Well, the meetings I flew out here for are all done. I don't have to go back to the office. Except...I left my mouse there. CRAP.
The last meeting was with a PM I've known the whole time I've been with the company. She is nice but very disorganized. She has THOUSANDS of unread e-mail. I don't get that. One of the big hopes was that I could convince her to let me help her with the internal management of her projects. Our meeting started with "I don't want to add more people to the project, I have too much 'help' as it is and I still have to do ALL THIS work" and ended with "I'll copy you and if you can help, that would be great" with an unvoiced "I'll believe it when I see it". It was 90 minutes of exhausting rambling, me trying to interject, and more complaining. But I think what did the trick was I was able to solve one of the first problems she fussed about by the time we hit the end of the conversation.
It's bubble and squeak! You've got to watch it like a hawk!" (Compulsive reference, don't know if anyone else will get it.)
Oh, you know I do! Man, I haven't watched that movie in ages.
I need to watch the movie again! Or at least go re read my favorite fanfic from it.
I've made a mess of my prescription and every time I try to get it fixed I mess up more. This time included a complete and utter melt down.
Which is not an anxiety attack side effect from the medication but just a relatively typical reaction to things like - pharmacy and dr's office saying or implying 2 different things about pre authorizations. And me worrying that my meltdown plus the mis understanding of the directions (although I SWEAR she said to increase it each week not each month) means that the doctor is going to decide I shouldn't take this or maybe anything else for ADD (which I realize is not bieng rational) .
This all makes me feel so completely out of control and I immediately go into this massive flight or flight reaction.
Next time I get directions from any doctor about increasing I'm going to have them write it down. Either on the prescription or if it's too long on somethign with their logo on it and sign it so I have a copy I know comes from the doctor.
Ugh. I probably have a C. diff infection. So tired of being sick. So tired in general.
I'm sorry calli and askye.
I have a house full of people, and I'm just so damn anxious right now.
sending calming ~ma and tolerate the people ~ma to sj.
I have survived this day. It only took a ton of phone calls and the pharmacy tech I delt with was a rock star, I really need to find out how I can send feedback, she helped me last time.
So good things- it turns out that I don't have to meet my deductible to get a co pay for my prescription
bad thing - my prescription co pay is $80 not $20 as they said on the phone.
other good thing - the coupon I had from the company brought it down so I only have to pay $20 for the next 11 prescriptions. (well 12, but I used it this time).
Other good thing because I watched some videos for Blue cross they sent me a coupon good for a $25 gift card.
other good thing - the coupon I had from the company brought it down so I only have to pay $20 for the next 11 prescriptions. (well 12, but I used it this time).
You can usually renew those when the 12 prescriptions are up. Tim uses one for his otherwise $2K-a-month rheumatoid arthritis med.
Thanks for the info Steph.
I will go through the 11 remaining refills in less than 12 months. Because the prescription is 20 mg capsules and I'm supposed to take1 of those and 1 of the 10 mgs (for a total of 30 mgs) for 4 days, and if I don't see a big improvement I'm going to go up to 40 mgs and take that until the prescription runs out and then a get a new prescription for.. . I don't know, either 40 mgs or higher.
But it took 10 or 15 minutes just to sort that out. It's been very confusing.