Brussels sprouts bacon fat potatoes and corn beef hash? That sounds deicious
Minus the bitter greens that sounds delicious to me too!
It amuses me that making that meal is what Vortex does when she *doesn't* want to cook. What would be actual "cooking", Vortex?
No, shower and reading time at sj's. Then Mom picked me up and we went to lunch, which was school vacation chaos. And now I'm out alone doing errands until I have to be at the library to volunteer.
It amuses me that making that meal is what Vortex does when she *doesn't* want to cook.
Yeah, if it involves a pan going on the stove and then you have to stir things together, that's cooking, to me.
And she chopped up vegetables too. Totally cooking.
Crazy chef skillz, there.
Vortex is a chef, pass it on.
And this happened. One of the gals in the Oakland office told me about it as I've been too busy to keep up with most social media.
You look so happy! but I miss the green wig.
I miss the green wig.
I do too. It had been raining, so my hair was awful that night. I just crammed it under a hat. Thankfully the weather will be much better (knock wood) for the other two games I'm going to.
Yes, that is definitely cooking, Vortex.
I'm home. One day I will be able to go to the library and not expect Roberta to be there. Today is not that day. She was such a big presence, that we're still trying to divide up everything she did between us.
I went shopping first and bought ltc an adorable narwhal purse and matching stuffed animal at a store going out of business and a matching Vera Bradley purse and wallet for myself. I also made an appointment at a local consignment shop. So, time to cull the closet again.
"It's bubble and squeak! You've got to watch it like a hawk!" (Compulsive reference, don't know if anyone else will get it.)
Suzi, I feel you. My roommate constantly talks on the phone in the common space, and it deives me bonkers. Some of them are calls with clients that I'm pretty sure are supposed to be confidential! Ugh. He's so loud.
Fingers crossed the hand surgeon can help, Hil. NPI.
THe Fresh Market has this thing where for $20 you can buy a meal for four. All the ingredients are right there, along with a recipe card. I tried it for the first time tonight; it was a stir fry thing and pretty tasty. Cheaper than the meal delivery services, and saves me precious brain cells (I don't menu plan well and tend to waste a lot of time wandering the aisle). I'll probably do it again. It's the closest grocery store to where I live now.
It's been a bad day for pain and anxiety, and I didn't get much done. I went to look at a job this morning and it took three hours because the client and I couldn't stop taking. Totally a Buffista spirit baby. And then my 2 pm was cancelled so I should have gone to the shop… but inertia won. Oh well. Try again tomorrow. I did pick up two yard signs that I designed; one an FAQ for the tomb company and one for my business, and I'm pretty proud of how they came out, so yay on that.