Kato has declined pretty dramatically in the last 24 hours, so we're trying to schedule an in-home euthanasia ASAP, ideally tomorrow. It feels so weird to be planning it, because with the dalmatian, we took her to the vet not knowing he would recommend euthanasia right then (though it was the right choice), and Toke did the kitty thing of going into a corner to die.
But this is a good choice, and even though it's super sad (mortality is BULLSHIT, y'all), it's also a relief. He's in bad shape, and 15 1/2 is incredibly old for a dog his size. We don't want him to suffer needlessly, so my fingers are crossed that the vet can come out tomorrow.
We decided that we don't need his ashes, because that's just one more thing that we'd have to find a place for. But the vet does do a clay paw print, and that will be good to have. And we have a gazillion pictures, including some really good family pictures of the 3 of us (plus his teddy bear) from last year. That's enough.