In college when I barely had two nickels to rub together, I wrote a check to citibank for $6.50 (which was the balance of my credit card bill. I think I may have had $100 in my checking account at the time (if that).
the bank paid it out as $650.00. I had written several small checks (to my university, the grocery store, etc.) and they all bounced. of course they ran the check through a 2nd time (because apparently that is customary) and the checks bounced twice.
Each bounced check was a $25 fee.
So, my checking account was at -$1000 very very quickly. I made the bank write apology letters to all places where my check bounced, etc. but it took like 2-3 weeks for all of this to be resolved and my parents had to send me some emergency $$ so I could survive.
I am completely paranoid about banks and at 20 I had already learned this lesson.
Not having health insurance sucks.
Turns out, I had a yeast infection and atopobium AND an abnormal pap smear - ASCUS, they tell me.
So yeah - I get to go pay money for ANOTHER script in a time when every dollar is being saved for the moving costs.
Sometimes, I think FML.
Tons of health~ma to the Empress and Biyi-mom. And calm~ma for the two families.
I will subscribe to the "banks suck" newsletter. And I encourage folks to look into Credit Unions. I love mine. While no perfect. Far less hassle than any other bank gave me.
Much health-ma to Biyi's mother and for Aims.
BoA is the devil.
Health~ma to those that need it.
Lots and lots of ~ma for Biyi's mother and Aims and all others who may need it.
~ma to Biyi's mom, and for Aims.
I just need a collections department. One is making me very grumpy -- the obnoxious Shakespeare job that I busted my ass on still owes me for the last week, and they're not returning my phone calls or emails.
The one making me slightly less grumpy is that my roommate now owes me two months rent -- over $1,400. I told him I would be very understanding, and I'm trying to be (he needed to move in right away, as he'd been couch surfing), but it's starting to push past my boundaries of tolerance, as I am running out of cash, and I still have bill collectors breathing down my neck. And he's been working a ton this last month and change, so I'm not really sure where all his money is going.
Right now, I could probably live for a couple of months on what people owe me and are not paying.
I think $1400 is where my understanding would break down. Of course, you do have to live with him.