Group was hard. We didn't even go over the info we are supposed to because we got to talking especially about anger.
And how people feel guilty about feeling angry and expressing the anger.
Especially at parents and (this wasn't me) when someone hates their parents for abusing them but are made to feel like uilty because it's their parent.
It was good but hard.
I am so checked out of my current class. I just turned in a paper a week late (we can get an extension once a course) and missed this week's discussion. I did calculate my grade so far and the effect of letting those points go and I can still potentially earn an A. I just have one discussion and one paper left that are due next Sunday. Then I get a week off before my next class.
The pregnant young woman on my team is have a C-section today. The young single men are contemplating this. As one said, "You mean, this unnatural process is going to proceed in an even more unnatural way?" The woman who sits near him has scolded him for the "unnatural" comment, and now they're discussing how kidney stones and childbirth compare and how men going through birth simulations reveal themselves to be utter wimps. The young man in question is having no qualms about admitting that the idea of passing something the size of a baby out of a body freaks him out. He does have a girlfriend, and from how he's described her, she'll be no slouch on explaining matters to him. He's a bit douchey, but he can learn.
"unnatural process"???!!!??
It always seemed perfectly natural to me. Of course, nature's not always particularly pleasant. Getting eaten by a bear--perfectly natural. Having a tree fall on you in the forest, pinning you down while you die of thirst--well within nature's scope. Shoving a mostly formed human out of a relatively small orifice--natural as anything.
Shoving a mostly formed human out of a relatively small orifice--natural as anything.
And yet, we still pretend the only way to remove Trump is through impeachment.
And yet, we still pretend the only way to remove Trump is through impeachment.
I don't think getting rid of Trump via Mpreg is as practical as you might think. I mean, yeah, total head asplodey for him, not to mention all the mysogyny he'd be subjected to for taking on a woman's role, but how do you get close enough to do the job?
Ugh. Looks like I can't go to the rally for trans kids on Thursday that I'd wanted to go to, because I'm going to have to stay late at work on Friday grading midterms (even though it's completely stupid for me to be there, but I argued that, and I was told that I should be there to "be part of the team"), and if I go to the rally on Thursday night, then I'll be hurting too much on Friday to do all the stuff I need to do. And it also means I can't go to synagogue on Saturday morning, because I'll be too tired and hurting after staying late on Friday night. Rationing spoons sucks.
Therapy continues to be hard and frustrating. Progress though. I was actually able to say stuff while crying instead of being unable to speak.
The only way to twice a week sessions this week was to go tomorrow. I have to go by the library and the post office and then maybe a nap.
Oh and I had to go by the former job. That wasn't as bad as I thought.
I really need to break out the self care. Maybe binge on leverage.
Got a mammogram last Friday and today was called to schedule another scan for one breast. Technician told me this is common and not to freak out, but I'm a bit unnerved anyway.