Therapy continues to be hard and frustrating. Progress though. I was actually able to say stuff while crying instead of being unable to speak.
The only way to twice a week sessions this week was to go tomorrow. I have to go by the library and the post office and then maybe a nap.
Oh and I had to go by the former job. That wasn't as bad as I thought.
I really need to break out the self care. Maybe binge on leverage.
Got a mammogram last Friday and today was called to schedule another scan for one breast. Technician told me this is common and not to freak out, but I'm a bit unnerved anyway.
Tons of nothing ~ma, Glam.
ltc is learning in leaps and bounds. She can pick up specific books you ask her for, and just now I heard her make a three word sentence, which was of course, "Where'd Abby go?" Abby from Sesame Street btw. She was looking for her stuffed animal.
Much it's nothing~ma, Glamcookie.
That's great, sj!
but I'm a bit unnerved anyway
Testing is always unnerving. Quick relieving results~ma.
Yay ltc! I loved the whole learning to communicate stage.
And I wonder why I get anxious about doing next things...I mentioned to mom I am going to dye my hair purple which I've wanted to do since...I don't remember when but since manic panic was the only option. I can always dye it black if I need too.
Momso reaction was very "why can't you pick a pretty red. Or something not so..
" and then "not black it's so severe" and I started thinking maybe she was right maybe I shouldnt.
And then I stopped . I need to cut my hair in a few weeks and after I do. Purple. I'm not going to bleach my hair just color over it.