When I took this I wrote clarifications on the back. Which my therapist said he sees a lot.
Like the pretend play with other kids as a kid. I liked to do that on my own but not really with other kids because they don't do it right.
I think I scored in the 40s
I got 8 out of 50. There were several questions I might have answered differently on the grounds that I decided "easy" could include things I am good at even if they take a lot of energy to do because I am an introvert.
If my particular circle of acquaintances is any gauge of humanity, I think most people are "on the spectrum".
I don't think anyone can (or should) extrapolate from their circle of acquaintances to all of humanity. Most people are not on the spectrum, or else the autism spectrum would be considered neurotypical.
ltc is miserable and won't stop tantruming today. I have no idea what to do with her.
Oh dear, sj. Distraction? Something you don't usually do? Another room? Plastics on the floor in the kitchen?
Everyone talks about terrible twos, but I always found the parenting thing easier after the kids were two because they were more verbal and it was easier to negotiate.
I ended up putting her in the play yard because she was overstimulated and wouldn't calm down. That helped a bit followed by early lunch and early nap. Hopefully she'll be better when she wakes up.