I am exhausted. Peanut continues to fast-track teething (at not even 15 months, she has almost all of her teeth), and has been insanely difficult to get down for bedtime for the past 3 months. I'm trying to figure out what kind of career to start looking at once we get in her in daycare (arts administration? graphic design? bakery? something else?), and M is dealing with hypertension. Not to mention the general terror of him being a green card holder in this brave new world.
Other than that, we're healthy, we have a good place and good jobs, so things could be much worse. I also just ate my weight in my uncle's biscotti, so my tummy is happy.
I'm exhausted just reading that. I have to get out to SF in the near future to see folks.
My father, who has been in Jordan the past few weeks heads home on Friday. His US Passport should see him home ok, but it is still stressful.
He did send me a package for my birthday, by way of a colleague who just returned to the states a few days ago. I'm meeting him this evening to pickup the gift.
smonster, echoing what others have said, especially David. You're wonderful and I wish I could magically make all your doubts and troubles disappear, you deserve none of them.
Juliana, you have all my empathy. ltc is also an early tethers. She started working on her two year molars at 15 months.
t tackle bugs
Good to hear from you, love. Poor all of you, sounds like a lot. I wish you much luck in your career discernment process.
askye, keep us posted! Hope the date goes well.
Thanks, everyone. The difference between now and eight years ago is that I *do* feel much better about myself in general, but it hasn't translated into career success or a partner.
I gave my two weeks notice today, which means my last day is the Wednesday before Mardi Gras. I have nothing else lined up, I have little savings outside of retirement, and my car is dying a slow death. I'm sure there will be panic in the days to come, but right now I'm all WHEEEE! Now to channel any anxiety into productivity rather than giving in to paralysis. I have some networking things set up. I need to get on the stick figuring out my strongest transferable skills so I can cast a wide net. But for now WHEEE!!
Whee! is good. Take those feelings of power where they come.
I have hit the "why bother" numbish level of depression. It's been a long time since I was here and I don't like it.
Ugh. That pretty much describes last year for me. This year (uh, all 1 month of it?) I have been leaning more toward embracing the numb since it lets me get shit done.
Smonster I'm sorry this is rough and you didn't have something lined up but I hope that some of the stress goes away.
My date went awesome. It lasted from 2 on until 7 pm. Lunch kinda sucked but I picked the place so my fault. But we walked downtown Hendersonville and we got ice cream. Then when stuff closed at 5 we went to a park and talked.
And discreetly kissed.
I did not want our date to end. I'm seeing him tomorrow.
I got giddy during lunch and could not stop giggling. We also held hands. I wore the necklace that JenP gave me for Christmas. And I told him it was Doctor Who and he would then sometimes lean over and say "bowties are cool" and I would giggle because it didn't feel like he was talking about bowties. I'm getting into he likes carrots territory here.
In therapy news my therapist suggesed I meet with the shrink again to talk about possible ADD inattentive type. I know previouly in Florida I told my shrink there I thought I had add and he gave me meds and nothing really happened because that is a crap way to handle it.
Sounds great, askye!
Career~ma to uh, most everybody I think. Uncertain times.