Whee! is good. Take those feelings of power where they come.
I have hit the "why bother" numbish level of depression. It's been a long time since I was here and I don't like it.
Ugh. That pretty much describes last year for me. This year (uh, all 1 month of it?) I have been leaning more toward embracing the numb since it lets me get shit done.
Smonster I'm sorry this is rough and you didn't have something lined up but I hope that some of the stress goes away.
My date went awesome. It lasted from 2 on until 7 pm. Lunch kinda sucked but I picked the place so my fault. But we walked downtown Hendersonville and we got ice cream. Then when stuff closed at 5 we went to a park and talked.
And discreetly kissed.
I did not want our date to end. I'm seeing him tomorrow.
I got giddy during lunch and could not stop giggling. We also held hands. I wore the necklace that JenP gave me for Christmas. And I told him it was Doctor Who and he would then sometimes lean over and say "bowties are cool" and I would giggle because it didn't feel like he was talking about bowties. I'm getting into he likes carrots territory here.
In therapy news my therapist suggesed I meet with the shrink again to talk about possible ADD inattentive type. I know previouly in Florida I told my shrink there I thought I had add and he gave me meds and nothing really happened because that is a crap way to handle it.
Sounds great, askye!
Career~ma to uh, most everybody I think. Uncertain times.
Therapy got cancelled. My therapist texted nd asked if we could meet this afternoon and I said I had plans and he asked if the date went well and I said yes..and I couldn't meet this afternoon because it is continuing. And I felt giddy.
And mom made a comment about if I was going to come home and I felt like a teenager "Moooom!!" I tilde her I did not know what time I would be home.