I feel like rolling around in this thread like a cat rolls around in catnip (or minty hair care products).
I love seeing people delurk, and I love hearing about you darling people being gentle with yourselves and taking care of yourselves... or at least making plans to do so.
Hi, Sophia Max.
I am so tired of hearing myself say "nice hands", "good listening!", and "don't eat your books" all day long. Need adult conversations.
For some, that IS adult conversation.
Sadly not that different in my household. "Good pooper!" "Don't puke on that goddammit" "Where's your collar?" "No really, where's your freaking collar?"
Okay, mine has more swearing.
There is swearing here too.
t /bad mommy
Working from home I don't get much adult conversation either. Jack and I converse, though it is mostly one sided and much like Brenda's. Work uses skype (thankfully without the video component), so I have people calling me on my computer occasionally. I get to pretend to be an adult then.
Sometimes I don't know why I agree to review these disability anthologies anymore.(Which is bitchy, considering I just put one out, too, I suppose.)
But still, so much of it feels like old hat to me right now. Blah, blah, So and So Gets Comfortable With Her/His Body Naked
Blah Blah, Job Discrimination: Not Just A River in Egypt(No shit. Which is really why I take these uninspiring side gigs. Well, that, and some of these editors know I'm kind of starved for attention and they can soften me up with compliments. I hate that I do that)
Then there's the ones where one spouse is impaired, the other one's not, will they Make It Through?(I don't know and the writer doesn't either, though if you're real lucky they will hold hands and look out at a rainstorm or something.)
Feel you on working at home not being great socially(Or you know, being able to say it's quitting time, ever.)
We went out last night to a birthday party/poetry and music show for Victor's birthday. So I got plenty of adult interaction as well as an adult beverage. Today has been busy. We made chili and roasted veg which along with the lentil soup I made yesterday should mean I don't have to cook much for several days. The I organized 4 bags of ltc's former clothes for vw's Stitch because they're couover for a play date tomorrow! And we did some clean up of the house. Tired now. I just bribed ltc with one of the Christmas gifts I had put aside so that she'll play nice for a little longer.
I love that Buffistas:TNG get to grow up together and share clothes.