Calli, this woman (Jessamyn Stanley) teaches yoga for at the Durham Yoga Company. I think she's only subbing for other teachers at the moment. She also teaches private classes. My friend Rhonda also teaches a Gentle Yoga class there, and she is committed to making yoga welcoming for all body types as well.
For non-locals, Jessamyn also has YouTube videos (linked from her website above) of yoga classes for larger bodied people.
I just have to mention Curvy Yoga ( - there are lots of online videos, many free, and with lots of modifications and options. She also does certifications for yoga teachers, if anyone felt like dropping it into the suggestion box at their yoga studio for the not-so-helpful teachers...
Calli, this woman (Jessamyn Stanley) teaches yoga for at the Durham Yoga Company.
Oooh, cool! When I get some wriggle room in my budget I'll have to see what her schedule's like. Thanks!
Thanks, Sophie Max, and welcome! I have one of the Curvy Yoga dvds. It's nice, and it shows people with a variety of body types practicing with different sorts of adjustments. I'm just better about practicing when I'm in a Yoga class where I feel obligated to show up. Assuming I can keep my elbows whole throughout the process.
I feel like rolling around in this thread like a cat rolls around in catnip (or minty hair care products).
I love seeing people delurk, and I love hearing about you darling people being gentle with yourselves and taking care of yourselves... or at least making plans to do so.
Hi, Sophia Max.
I am so tired of hearing myself say "nice hands", "good listening!", and "don't eat your books" all day long. Need adult conversations.
For some, that IS adult conversation.
Sadly not that different in my household. "Good pooper!" "Don't puke on that goddammit" "Where's your collar?" "No really, where's your freaking collar?"
Okay, mine has more swearing.
There is swearing here too.
t /bad mommy