Thanks for the advice. It looks like they'll be okay tomorrow (Athens to Lake Norman) -- nothing worse than some rain during the day.
We'll play wait and see about the second leg. I-77 goes through a mountain pass just after you enter VA, and Hubs isn't thrilled with driving through it in the best of conditions. Plus he drives a car that doesn't perform the best in snow. Also, they'll be staying at the same place they stayed on the way down, and apparently it's very nice. Which means staying an extra day wouldn't be any hardship.
Also, just spoke to the oncologist -- Arthur has a 50-50 chance of remission. We've had worse odds.
I'm so sorry, Fred.
In case anyone is keeping track T home, second molars are infinitely worse than first molars.
I have a crush on my postman. He's adorable. Is it wrong to ask him out?
oh my god who am i?
Is it wrong to ask him out?
If he's involved with someone else, yes. Also, if he's a secret serial killer, focus on the UPS driver instead.
The one postman I knew off the clock, as it were, was a total sweetheart. So, if you'd like to extrapolate from my data point of one, go for it.
I don't know if he's involved. Recon is needed. The UPS guy is def. married.
oh my god
Zen the problem is you can't quit getting mail if he says no! Awkward. Though I guess you could just stop answering the door and let him leave mail in your box or something?
meara, I know! He always brings mail that doesn't fit in the mailbox up to my door, that's how I've ended up chatting with him. I could just stop meeting him at the door if it gets awkward, I suppose.
So, we should send you things that don't fit in the mailbox? Dimensions please... Make him cookies, don't use wax paper.