Arthur is so lucky to have you!
Miss Kitty, on the other hand, worries me each day. She is throwing up more, but hasn't been losing weight. She had slight tremors. I called the vet and her recent blood work showed nothing troubling, so it would be tests I can't afford to see if there is anything we can do - though nothing with reverse the arthritis that is making her the most uncomfortable. I just...I hate seeing her stumble about but I just can't accept that this is the end for her.
Lots of ~ma and best healing purrs for all the kitties who need them.
Health~ma for Arthur and Miss Kitty.
Well, Christmas looks to be interesting. I may go to the beach instead.
All the gifts I need for tomorrow evening are wrapped as well as all of TCG's gifts and ltc's gifts. So, I'm calling it a night.
Rain for Christmas! That's okay. Could not have dealt with snow.
My aunt just gave ltc a talking Elmo.
I bet that is either really cute or really annoying. Or possibly both.
I went to a Christmas Eve service today. First time in years that I actually went to church other than for work. It was nice, and I got all choked up during "Silent Night".
Been here an hour. If I go another 24 without losing my shit it'll be a goddamn xmas miracle. Maybe 4. My dad is on my last nerve already. We're applying tequila to the issue, so we'll see.
We are having a peaceful Christmas out in the ocean. I haven't heard from anyone in my family in months now.
Hive mind, I need your help with gift ideas for a 12 year old girl. She doesn't live near me and I want to get her something more than a book (my normal go to).