Except that sitting at a computer is no better. My pain last night was largely the result of sitting at a laptop trying to pick health insurance. Staying in one position for any length of time is not great.
On this front it sounds like you would benefit from a convertible standing/sitting desk, where you can change from working in a sitting position to working standing up as needed.
smonster, what about this?
smonster, I don't have any more advice than "what they said" but I hope you find something better suited to you soon. And also that your roommate moves out and a better one arrives.
Update: T was able to go home with lots of stitches and pain but otherwise okay. My poor niece got so scared when she saw him.
Health~ma to your cousin, sj! How scary.
I'm glad he didn't have to stay in the hospital, sj. Hope his recovery is swift and uneventful.
Thank y'all so much for the suggestions and such. The following are things I enjoy AND feel I have skill in. (If anyone finds this annoying, let me know and I can white font. Or we can take the conversation elsewhere.
People skills
Teaching skills to women
Being someone's assistant
Working collaboratively
Connecting people with resources
Providing first aid
Computer skills
Research down the rabbit holes
Brain skills
Upcycling stuff
Brainstorming ideas with people
Learning new languages
Learning new things in general
Keeping track of supplies needed
Manual skills
Trunk Tetris
Patching plaster on tombs
Peeling/stripping paint
Reglazing windows
Cleaning tombs
Connecting waste streams with recycling
Taking things apart carefully
Making complicated decisions alone
Estimating how long something will take
Keeping track of money
Promoting things I don't believe in
Dealing with hostile people
Dana - those SBP positions are all Americorps positions (no money) and I've known a number of people who worked for them and didn't have a good experience. The other one might be worth applying for, though. Thank you.
Ah, I wondered about Americorps. The transit one sounded kind of cool, though.