Thanks, ND. I have thought for a while that I would like something that worked both my brain and my body. My supervisory experience so far has not gone that great - my anxiety and lack of confidence hinders me there, as it does in pretty much every area of my life. I really want to be part of a TEAM. I can lead on specific things if I am well supported. I make decisions best collaboratively. I just don't know where to look for that.
One benefit of ND's advice, Smonster, is that you wouldn't be on job sites all the time which sounds like it would be beneficial for your body.
Except that sitting at a computer is no better. My pain last night was largely the result of sitting at a laptop trying to pick health insurance. Staying in one position for any length of time is not great.
This may be obvious, but have you been looking at Idealist for job listings?
Not this go-round, thanks for the reminder.
I was talking with bonny recently, and here's the mission statement I came up with:
My mission is to preserve and promote beautiful things, ideas, and people.
I also have a list of skills broken down by category and things I'm not good at. It's just not coming together in a coherent picture yet.