Oh, Aims. That would be wonderful if that worked out. I'll be keeping fingers and toes crossed.
Bonny, can you get your shoulder looked at without too much trouble? That sounds like the sort of thing you don't want to let get worse and worse. Also, have you tried ice in addition to the anti-inflammatories?
So ... we might have fallen bass-ackwards into a house.
oh good luck!
Suzi, I'm desperately hoping that this is not a surgery requiring injury. It could be, obviously, but I really, truly want to try anything else I might be able to do.
I probably won't be able to get an MRI until January.
I'd _really_ like to do something before then!
Bonny, can you get your shoulder looked at without too much trouble? That sounds like the sort of thing you don't want to let get worse and worse. Also, have you tried ice in addition to the anti-inflammatories?
That's the trick, Anne. No insurance at the mo. That will change, but as above, won't do any good for a while.
I tried ice for a while but the damage seems to have gotten worse without my noticing and now is fairly constant. The ice brings momentary relief but it's really short-lived.
Good luck with the house Aimee! May this be an even better situation for you than any before.
Oh Aims, my fingers are crossed for you guys!
bonny, what dosage of advil? Like I said above, you can take 800 mg every 4 hours, short-term. If you weren't taking that high of a dose, you might want to try that for a few days and see if it makes a difference.
I had a rotator cuff injury that wasn't a tear, and a few months of physical therapy got it back to normal. You may want to google PT exercises for an injured rotator cuff and give them a shot. (I'm not saying you shouldn't go see an actual physical therapist, but if you want to avoid the expense if at all possible, you can certainly try the exercises yourself at first. If you see no improvement after a week or 2, then you might want to see a PT.)
Aims, luck on the house! I've been praying for you.
t edit
Oooh, it's right on a bike path? That's cool!
Aims, that house is very cute.