If you live in a house with a dpg, when you moved in knowing there is a dog coming with the roommate, when you HAD a dog...you take the dog out to pee. I mean, this is NOLA. I might be techty if I had to go down several flights into the freezing cold, but he's got to, what? At worst throw on a sweater and socks, step out the front door, and stand there watching a Colbert clip while Frankie pees?
Just no. (And I don't know if he's a smoker, but if he is and y'all don't smoke in the house, he's REALLY being a jackass.)
Yeah, he sounds like a real jackhole. That is completely unacceptable.
health and comfort~ma to Sail and family.
I let myself run out of one of my ADs. D'oh! it's a mail order script, so I have to wait for them to contact the doctor and the doctor to respond. I have most of them on auth-reorder but this one slipped through the cracks.
So far today has started with me falling with ltc. She's fine. I'll probably be sore for a bit, and with TCG accidentally taking the baby monitor to work. I have been up for less than an hour, and this day is already too Monday for my taste.
Come on, Monday. Quit being a bitch.
All the ~ma, Sail.
No smonster, he sounds like an inconsiderate butt. You are not the unreasonable one in this scenario.
Sorry, sj. Glad ltc is okay, hope you won't be hurting too bad when it hits. Did you take anticipatory ibuprofen?
Congrats on a good first day, askye!
I did take one ibuprofen, but I didn't take more because my stomach has been so bad. If the pain gets worse, I'll try to take more. I'm still really shaken up.
It's smokey outside from the forrest fires. Although there aren't any in my county. One of the women in my therapy group is under mandatory evacuation.. she doesn't live near me (she lives on the other side of the town I go to for therapy) but this is causing my anxiety to spike.
Today was my first day at work since the election. I discovered that two of my colleagues, both of whom are awesome, have resigned. As they are both gay, I have to assume that's why, although I haven't had a chance to talk to them yet. Also, my boss broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years because he voted Trump, a guy I've worked with for the past year (although I can't stand) has left to join Trump's transition team, and more than one person almost started crying when talking to me about it.
This is going to be a really hard few months. Best case.
Volans, I'm so sorry. That sounds like a terribly difficult situation to go to every day.