The common denominator? Whiteness. And most of them will also get screwed over by Trump, but my only sympathy is for the rest of us who will be dragged along with them.
Yeah, a guy I went to HS with posted a very nice, reasonable thing a while back about how Trump was the only candidate whose tax plan wouldn't make his small business fail. But while I appreciated the reasonableness and the fact that he took the trouble, to me it boils down to "screw POC, screw immigrants, screw women, screw LGBTQ people, screw the entire fucking planet, because my small business is more important". Aside from the fact that anyone who can look at Trump's record and think that he will lift a single finger to help anyone other than himself is completely deluded.
SMDH so hard it may come loose.
A good friend of mine, a British expat who is a small business owner but who is doing very nicely for himself, and is CONSTANTLY going off on week-long jaunts to the islands, golf trips, weekends in Vegas - I mean really ALL the time, to the point that I wonder how his business partner stands it - is crowing about Trump today because apparently having to provide insurance for his employees is the WORST THING EVER and will destroy him and this country. I am spitting nails. But his employees, especially his minority and GLBT employees are his "top priority". Until preserving their rights and health costs him a weekend in Palm Springs, apparently.
I stress-ate all the sugar in the world last night.
That's pretty much all I got right now. No spoons.
Congrats on staying sober last night, Strix. God knows I headed straight for the Ambien.
Thanks, Dana. I'm sincerely great with people who could use medications wisely last night and in the foreseeable future. But if I'd had anything like that handy, I can't say I wouldn't have stumbled last night. I legit am wondering how many people fell off the wagon last night or today.
But I'm less numb and uncaring and wrought today. Just a little, but enough. HI CANDY AND CHIPS! YOU'RE STILL MY FREINDS!
Congrats Strix that is awesome.
Seriously, kudos. I have been chain smoking like a mofo today.
In awe of you, Strix. You're one of two people I know with that struggle who stayed sober; I can't imagine the strength it took.
Congrats on staying sober last night, Strix. God knows I headed straight for the Ambien.
Seriously, Strix, that is fangoddamntastic. I hadn't taken Ambien in maybe 18 months, but I also hadn't thrown out the remainder of my Rx, so I took one last night. Otherwise I wouldn't have slept a wink.
You're one of two people I know with that struggle who stayed sober; I can't imagine the strength it took.
My brother stayed sober last night, but then he voted for Johnson, so he didn't have the kind of reaction we all did.