Medication is a difficult and very personal choice, and affects people in so many different ways it's hard to point to a particularly consistent experience. I had never been on brain medication until 2012, when all my things started to go off the rails. So many times I had been in a supportive role with my friends, with depression and anxiety and other things, but I didn't really understand what the full definitions of these conditions were until I started being a valuated for them. And when That got extended to attention deficit, I knew instinctively that something in my brain had been missing.
That thing was dopamine. The educated guess is that my dopamine has always been very low. One day with adderall and I was almost crying because I didn't know there was a way to feel how neurotypical people describe feeling.
I have med for depression, one for anxiety, one for sleep, one for adhd. And one for when things go utterly pear shaped. I went twenty eight years without ever having a brain med to having a suite of them. And I am materially worsened when I don't comply with the regimen.
It can be a harrowing, personal choice. But for me it was not just tunnel-light. It was a train picking me up and whisking me out of the dark.