Steph, that sucks.
Hi everyone!
Blah. I'm teaching two different classes this semester, and both of them have midterms this week, and I am going slightly nuts trying to keep up with everything. Bullet journaling is helping some -- it lets me figure out what the priorities are for each day, and schedule things when they need to be done. Plus, I started making borders and banners for the days, and coloring them in, and coloring things always makes them better.
I'm actually not doing well at all right now.
Steph, do you need anything?
Is Tim home? Would talking to him help?
I feel like I'm destroying everything I touch. Because I basically am.
Don't listen when your brain tells you this. It's lying to you.
Ativan? Have you eaten? Are you thirsty?
Would some sort of quick fix help (like watching something on the computer instead)? Or distraction? Do you have anything you can take that might help (like meds, or maybe something to eat or drink)?