What did I do to piss off the universe, and how do I make amends? The fucking TV just died. I feel like I'm breaking everything that I touch. I mean, I kind of am: so far this year I've shattered the screen of my phone, shattered the screen of my iPod, broke my digital camera, did something horrible to my laptop last night, and now I went to turn the TV on and it made some awful noise and won't turn on. (I unplugged it and plugged it back in, which isn't as successful as memes would have you think.)
I feel like I'm destroying everything I touch. Because I basically am.
I just quit, man. Fuck everything.
That really sucks, Steph. I wonder if Mercury is still in retrograde.
(It's not, but I blame shit on that all year anyway.)
Oh no! Maybe there is some underlying electrical issue in your place? Or we could be related because I break stuff like whoa.
I'm sorry Tep. I feel like these things always happen all at once.
I'm pretty sure I'm doing it. I don't know how, but I must be doing it. Because fucking everything in my life is broken.
Hello my Bitches! Steph, just embrace the Hulk Smash. It's better that way.
Teppy, that sucks, plain and simple. I hate the feeling that everything around me is succumbing to entropy all at once.
In other news, it is SO GOOD to see so many people back.
Steph, that sucks.
Hi everyone!
Blah. I'm teaching two different classes this semester, and both of them have midterms this week, and I am going slightly nuts trying to keep up with everything. Bullet journaling is helping some -- it lets me figure out what the priorities are for each day, and schedule things when they need to be done. Plus, I started making borders and banners for the days, and coloring them in, and coloring things always makes them better.
I'm actually not doing well at all right now.