One of my friends breastfed her baby, who was in a sling, while she taught math classes. She figured out a way to arrange the sling and her shirt so that the students couldn't see what was happening inside the sling.
I completed every item on my to-do list today. If I keep this up all week, then I won't have to work next weekend! Well, except for some grading.
Because you should be bonding 24/7? At least that's the message mom's get all the time.
a post meant to shame mothers for using cellphones while feeding their babies.
Yeah, no, fuck that person.
I am pretty sure my mom always fed us with baby in one arm and book in the other. One of my first memories is her feeding my little brother that way. And we all bonded with her pretty well (and we all love to read)!
I did something, I don't know what, to my laptop -- I knocked the power cord weirdly or something and I think the battery fried and the laptop is old, I know this, but it's 9 pm and the Apple store is closed anyway and I have articles I have to finish editing tonight and then more to edit tomorrow so I don't have time to go to a store and I'm afraid I won't be able to get them edited and in I'm going to lose my fucking job over this. I don't know what to do. This feels like a panic attack. I am so fucked.
I got the computer back up with an old frayed power cord and I'm backing everything up because I might be panicking but I'm not stupid. God, I am so fucked.
Moms multi-task. Good thing too since I would never be able to do everything on the list one at a time! What did I do while nursing? Everything I could manage.
Good Lord, sj. That woman would have been horrified at me when I was breastfeeding Em. I got it down to a science. Prop the baby on the Boppy, hold up the boobie with a pillow, cram the nipple in her mouth, and quicker than you could say, "Lansinoh's the shit", I was posting here, buying shit on eBay, and watching Chris Rock's stand-up on HBO.
I give her a big Empress-style ENTHUSIASTIC THUMBS UP.
Steph, I have a bunch of old Mac cords and stuff. If you need something, let me know, and I can see if I have it.
Steph -- i don't know if it helps , but some librarries have laptops ( that are more flexible than library computers ) and laptop rentals are also possible.
if this is not helpful, please ignore.
Oh, yeah all the TV and my iPhone in those other hand for feedings, especially in the first few months. She would probably also be horrified that I let her play alone in her play yard, but ltc loves it and is really good at entertaining herself.