Good Lord, sj. That woman would have been horrified at me when I was breastfeeding Em. I got it down to a science. Prop the baby on the Boppy, hold up the boobie with a pillow, cram the nipple in her mouth, and quicker than you could say, "Lansinoh's the shit", I was posting here, buying shit on eBay, and watching Chris Rock's stand-up on HBO.
I give her a big Empress-style ENTHUSIASTIC THUMBS UP.
Steph, I have a bunch of old Mac cords and stuff. If you need something, let me know, and I can see if I have it.
Steph -- i don't know if it helps , but some librarries have laptops ( that are more flexible than library computers ) and laptop rentals are also possible.
if this is not helpful, please ignore.
Oh, yeah all the TV and my iPhone in those other hand for feedings, especially in the first few months. She would probably also be horrified that I let her play alone in her play yard, but ltc loves it and is really good at entertaining herself.
And no reasonable employer is going to fire you for 12 hours of computer problems. It happens.
And I have a call in to the vet's office at 9 o'clock at night. Harvey managed to bust open a bag of sour cream and onion potato chips and I am freaked out about how much onion powder there might be on them. Enough to harm an eighteen year old cat with renal failure or nah?
Okay. THAT was horrible. I think the power cord just up and died, but in a dramatic fashion. I thought that it fried the battery, because when I was able to restart using the old power cord, the battery icon had an X through it. But the fan also wouldn't stop running even though the CPU barely had a load, and the keyboard backlight wouldn't come on. So after the backup finished (people, BACK UP OFTEN; don't be like me), I reset the SMC and the battery is now acknowledging that it exists and the fan stopped and the keyboard backlight is on.
This is a 2010 (or maybe 2011) machine, though, and it needs to be replaced. I was just putting it off. But I get the message, universe.
I'm an hour behind schedule now, though, and resigned to a late night.
Steph, I have a bunch of old Mac cords and stuff. If you need something, let me know, and I can see if I have it.
Thanks so much! Right now the old power cord is doing its thing despite being old.
And no reasonable employer is going to fire you for 12 hours of computer problems. It happens.
I just have so much shit due and don't want to be late with it. And I panicked and lost my shit totally.
(This post brought to you by Ativan, which I forgot I even had until Tim just walked into the bathroom and then the kitchen and then silently handed me a pill and a glass of water. Later he said he didn't know if that was the right thing to do, because "Maybe I shouldn't suggest a pill to solve your problems." I said, "ALWAYS GIVE ME A PILL!")
And now back to work.
And I have a call in to the vet's office at 9 o'clock at night. Harvey managed to bust open a bag of sour cream and onion potato chips and I am freaked out about how much onion powder there might be on them. Enough to harm an eighteen year old cat with renal failure or nah?
Do you have a good sense of how much he ate (or licked off)? I'm not even sure if that ingredient is actual onion or an artificial flavor. But, as a fellow owner of an old cat, I would call the vet, too.
Steph, that sounds like the exact same thing that happened to my old computer last year. It was about the same age.
The power cord wasn't an Apple one (I don't think), so that might have made it die. In any case, I backed up, and I'll scramble to get this work done and then go get a new laptop (which will probably be a delight in terms of speed, given how old this workhorse is). And hey, I can depreciate it on my taxes. #Iamold