Thanks, Maria.
Sumi, tons of interview~ma.
Leg~am for Daniel. I hope it is something that can be dealt with easily.
My stomach is still really upset, but ltc is playing nicely at least. I have a Peapod order coming in soon because I couldn't deal with the market this weekend.
Healthy leg~ma to Daniel.
And what Maria said, sj.
Interview~ma for sumi, in great abundance.
Leg~ma for Daniel, and more coping~ma for WindSparrow.
Coping~ma for sj, and enlightenment~ma for her family.
And all sorts of ~ma for Buffistas in need of it, wherever you are and whether you've mentioned the need or not.
Leg~ma to Daniel and worrying about loved ones~ma to WindSparrow.
Interview ~ma, sumi.
Leg ~ma, Daniel. I hope for the best possible outcome.
sj, I'm sorry you have to deal with that from family.
Leg~ma, interview~ma, wake up to reality~ma to clueless relatives.
Sigh. I just want to turn up the heat a notch, wrap you all in sweaters and scarves and blankets, and feed you soup, so you recognize how precious you are. This is screwing seriously with my career as a curmudgeon.
To be clear, it wasn't directly aimed at me, but it was a post meant to shame mothers for using cellphones while feeding their babies. I'm just sick of all the mom shaming.
Shit, women speak on the UN floor while breastfeeding. Baby is busy and happy. Moms can take a second to engage the outside world.
sj, it might as well have been. You're a mom. A mom who derives a lot from your online interactions. So while it is generally mom shaming, it's very much relevant to you. Please don't think you have to explain it away.
(Sorry, my indig-no meter has been broken by the last few days.)
OK, Constance, you need to eat, there's hours left in the day, your brain will only get more unhappy if you keep putting off getting food. Even the Puritans in your head need to eat.