Pix, you and ND are doing the work of angels. Bless your hearts and congrats on finding the little one her family!
Today, an old doggy lama client called to ask if I would come spend 'significant time' with his 9 year old Basset and 'fix him.'
He made it clear that they were ready to kick the poor old pooch to the curb. They've got a new house and a toddler, and I quote, "I just don't have the time or interest in working with him."
Never mind that they did not implement one. single. thing. I suggested when I met with them 4 years ago. NOT one damn thing...but it's the dog's fault that he has problems, right?
He won't even agree to take the dog to the vet to see if his peeing is a UTI...which is shockingly prevalent these days.
So. I swing into action and, beyond miraculously, find someone who is willing to foster the dog and find him a good home.
But NO, when I call him back,"Oh no. We aren't getting rid of him. We just want someone to fix him."
When I say that both I and the 'sleep away' trainer I spoke to are worried, respecting how busy their lives are, about follow up and setting the dog up to fail, he says, "Oh. I'd follow up, as long as he is fixed."
Good lord, people.