Go, CJ! He's developing into a fine young man.
The boyfriend needs a cluesticking; I'm not related -- wanna me to have a come-t0-Jesus talk?!
smonster, I hope you get better sleep. I woke up 5 times last night to drink huge glasses of water -- I had a salty dinner. And then I woke up at 7 am.
He is out with the tester. My hands are shaking. I'm so nervous for him!!
Go, CJ! Except, not too fast.
God, I remember my test. I had a car with manual steering and got dinged for "lack of upper body strength" when it came to parallel parking. But I passed!
Yay, CJ! He really is such an impressive young man.
Can I have any spare calm~ma that people have today? The situation with mil persists, and I have to spend time with my other in-laws today (the ones that, as far as I know, don't hate me), and I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack.
I release all the license~ma to be converted to calm~ma, sj.
Breathe, sj. All kinds of ~ma.
Calm~ma, sj. I wish we were in-laws to balance things out. I hope the visit with the other in-laws is enjoyable.