No, I'm pretty sure it means that she wants us on our knees begging for her forgiveness.
sj, you have nothing to apologize for. It's a power game; the only way for you to win is to not play. I'm going through much the same with my sister - she wants me groveling and begging for forgiveness for not being sufficiently devoted. Ain't gonna happen.
And, sigh, my AC's dying. It started making some truly scary noises - sounds like either there's something caught in the fan or it's hitting someting. I called the nice people who sold me my last AC unit and they're going to bring me a new one, install it, and haul the old one off (they're charging me a lot for the service, but it's worth it!). The new one's more powerful than the old one, so I may be, literally, one of the cool kids.
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the support and validation.
Imagine if Michelle and Barack were having a baby, though. The media here would be all over that, I think.
Also, the new prince is one of those children that's famous at birth. I always find them fascinating, just because they end up living such different lives than other kids in a lot of ways.
She's nuts. Nuts and manipulative in a really unpleasant way.
On a different note, today is Cleveland's 217th birthday. And it has made the top of a list of best cities to be in when the world ends. [link] Usual caveat on comments applies, but there is one of note: "In Cleveland, Armageddon is business as usual."
Am I a heretic for not really caring about the birth of the Royal Baby Boy? Granted, I also can't understand why everyone fusses over celebrity babies period.
Also me:
They could get my attention by naming him Aethelred.
I also note that I have friends both here and elsewhere who are into it, and I'm genuinely happy to see their squee, just for the fact that they are a-squee-ing -- but the object of squee, or rather his family business, just ain't my beautiful cake.
If I were monarchy, I wander around all the time saying "I know monarchy is problematic, but...NOT GIVING IT BACK."
Or I'd be like that secretary who discovered she was a Ghanaian king and be all good deedsy about it.
Or both. I'd try both.
Or I'd be like that secretary who discovered she was a Ghanaian king and be all good deedsy about it.
King Peggy! What a wonderful woman.
but the object of squee, or rather his family business, just ain't my beautiful cake.
I'm neutral -- but, baby, yay! -- and in observing social media today, I'm a little appalled at people who are being dicks about other people's squee. (That does NOT apply to anyone here.) And people who suddenly act willfully ignorant that public figures exist and that non-public individuals might evince interest in something other than their own 2-inch personal bubble.
Which is why I love my Buffistas. If the royal baby isn't your beautiful royal cake, you aren't a dick about people who are totally digging it. Because we are awesome.
Now I want cake.
I'm a little appalled at people who are being dicks about other people's squee.
I do suspect that Royal Cake involves Royal Icing.