Okay, we've had our last Graeter's party, got the forms to fill out to continue our health insurance, I won the disco ball in the what-do-you-want-from-the-kitchen raffle (the microwave, coffeemaker, toaster, electric kettle, and, yes, disco ball) were all either bought by pooled employee money or donated by employees who don't want them back, so people who wanted something put their name in the hat; I only wanted the disco ball, and I didn't even have to kill anyone to get it).
Not crying yet, which I attribute to the Ativan. I got a little choked up when Incompetent!Boss and Chatty left.
Desk is cleaned out, and now I'm just making sure I don't have the iTunes on this computer authorized and deleting any music files or other personal stuff like pictures or wedding planning notes. And deleting browser bookmarks and deleting the SHIT out of brower history and cookies.
And then I should be set to venture forth into unemployment and pick up the rental car so I can get the damn Echo's a/c fixed.
I'd rather not cry when I leave, because I have to drive 25 minutes home, and then to the rental car place before it closes. If I can just store it all up so I can lose it once I get back home for good, that would be swell.
Teppy, I'm sorry this is such a hard day for you, but yay disco ball!
Smonster tons of calm~ma for you. Anxiety attacks are evil.
I just opened the door to check the mail, and not leaving the house today was definitely the right decision.
Oh Tep, I wish you whatever you need to get through the rest of the day.
Kitchen disco ball is awesome.
I took half a Xanax and walked outside with the intention to go do errands. Got about a half a block and came back. Anxiety has me feeling like I can't breathe, and it's 88 outside and super humid. Instant panic attack. I can run errands tomorrow.
In summertime, midnight errand running should be a valid option.
Sometimes this job is startling. I often receive copies of files from customers to diagnose issues. This is the first time the person sending me the file has said, "Don't look at the pictures, there's a
dead body
in them." But then, someone has to clean up and repair this stuff, and insurance companies need to see the cause of the damage.
No hugs for Teppy. After all, you do have a shiny new disco ball! Schedule an appointment to cry. I recommend the shower.
Whatever ~ma y'all need.
red wine:
Random observation of the moment. Watching General Hospital apparently is a pretty good distraction from life's complications. Said red wine may be a factor in this observation.
My distraction vehicle of choice the last two moves has been the most recent UK version of Gladiators, aka the show where ridiculously fit people fight in ridiculous games. It was really effective.
Laura, I've gotten totally away from GH in the last months...some of the story lines just really started to bore me.
(my jumping the GH ship coincides with my giving up of the DailyMail. Both had gotten a bit too addicty for my feebly will. I've been more 'clean' with the DM, with only a random checking in with the GH soapnet recaps)
The inclusion of the John and Todd characters brought me back. BUT, though I have not seen any of the episodes, the idea of the Todd actor coming back as Franco(?) just creeped me out.
Has that unfolded in any sort of interesting way?