Lots of job~ma to you Maria and Toddson and to you Teppy.
I had what was supposed to be my last appointment with my therapist but I'm seeing her next week for my totally for real last appointment. The place I go to is a community health center type thing so you have to live in one of two counties and if I move I won't be able to continue to see someone on a regular basis, but I can see my shrink during a transition.
I mean if I move out of town.
I haven't heard back from Best Buy but I'm trying not to think about all this too much.
I am at least getting boxes today and I have packing tape and I can have some control over something.
{{Todd}} I can't even imagine.
Job~ma all round.
You should let us know ahead of time when this will happen so we can do a champagne toast.
Makes note to get bottle to chill.
I am meeting with a total of 10 people, starting at 9 am and finishing at 5 pm. Lunch is even a meeting. I get one 15 minute break. Some of the people I'm meeting with? CEO and the two owners of the company.
Sounds similar to my interview for current job. Hopefully there will be some meetings with multiple people. This is an excellent chance for you to meet EVERYONE and get a sense if you want to work with these people. It sounds like a crazy day, but I found it refreshing in the end. Not to say I wasn't mentally exhausted at the end of the day. Oh yes. Very tired. But I got just as good sense of them as they did of me. I think you will do great!!
Ugh, I am sorry for the fuckery, Todd.
Oh, we most definitely will virtual-toast.
I keep forgetting I'm at a level now where all-day interviews are the norm. Impostor syndrome has taken firm hold. I don't what I'm going to do if this doesn't pan out.
I've worked with half of these folks at my old job. The NH company raided our sales/marketing/consulting teams a few years ago.
Some of them I've known for 12 years. Not sure if that's good or bad.
I hope you're right, brenda.
Definitely good. That carries a lot of weight.
A known quantity is almost always a more comfortable pick, but more important it's unlikely they would be going to the point of bringing you in for a full day and multiple meetings if the people who already know you weren't enthusiastically on board.
it's unlikely they would be going to the point of bringing you in for a full day and multiple meetings if the people who already know you weren't enthusiastically on board
This. And good luck! I'm so glad you got the interview!