Go Maria!!!
Go PC!!!
Go Teppy!! (Job loss and getting married are major life stressors...freaking out is normal!)
I believe some people here read The Bloggess. A while back she posted about a guy who sent her a taxidermied bat in a "secret compartment" in a copy of her book. A taxidermied bat with a bat erection. Well, last night I ended up sharing that picture with some of the ARP parents (we were hanging at a bar after a meeting and the conversation had turned to squirrel penis's, as conversations do). I think I horrified a few of them. Not just that the picture existed but I was able to pull it up on my phone so quickly. Yes, there was whiskey involved.
eta - Go askye!!
I would have been impressed, SuziQ. Even more so with whiskey.
Yay askye! I love the job~ma around this place.
Best of luck and ~ma on your second interviews, askye and Maria!
quester, helluva 4th story!
More money, more travel, working out of the house, better benefits, more vacation. And respect. Almost forgot what that is like.
Sounds awesome - though that last sentence really ticks me off on your behalf. Ever so much continued ~ma!
Woot, P-C! Sounds like you're off to a nice start. Wishing you continued yay-ness.
I see P-C and P-G (Phosphate Girl, she needs a name) more as superheros who will fight crime. And interpretive dance. Together.
I think maybe there are things more dastardly than interpretive dance they could be fighting. But I don't judge!
Steph, I won't tell you to get over it (because I'm not an asshole), but I wish you ~ma for getting through it. And that the get-over-it people will keep their distance (and keep their traps shut). As stated above, there's a helluva lot on your plate now. You'd be a weirdo if you weren't feeling whelmed by it all.
bonny, mucho ~ma for you as well. I hope your day gets better and better.
How is your dad doing, Epic?
Really well, thanks! I saw him last night and his color was really good, he was sitting up in his chair and bitching because the nurse/pt hadn't taken him for his walk yet. I think that bodes well for a speedy recovery.
Oh, and since I forgot above, much ~ma dealing with young Master B's latest antics, whatever they may be.
Didn't need to be said twice.
Suzi - did you follow up with the necrophilic homosexual duck link? (and if not, why not?)
Good for Epic's dad.
All best `ma for askye.
Woot! and nice going for P-C.
Gentle hugs and easy~ma for bonny.
Freak as much as you need to, Teppy, you're entitled.
Woohoo! and all best wishes for Maria.
Hugs and solidarity support for Laura.
Oh Suzi, I would love to have been there!
quester, nice Fourth story. We used to climb up to the fifth floor emtpy attics of our off-post housing in Nurnberg, hang out the screenless windows and watch civic fireworks in the distance. Alcohol only enhanced the experience.
Toddson, I had actually forgotten about that. I'll save that for another day. I think I shocked them enough last night. But it is good to have something even craxier in my back pocket.