When you get the interview (and frankly, you're perfect for it), you can wear something like this simple black dress with a cute jacket like this and you look professional and have two pieces that can be used lots of different ways.
Oooh, bookmarked!
I finally made an appointment for tomorrow with my doctor for this stomach pain/other general gastrointestinal nastiness. The IBS meds I do have aren't working (although OTC Immodium works okay), and I'm not sure what else I can try, but I'm hoping the doctor will have some ideas.
Also, I need to talk to her about anti-anxiety meds for the short term, because my baseline level of anxiety is pretty much at a 5 (where 0 is that chill turtle from Finding Nemo, and 10 is nervous breakdown), with frequent spikes to 7 or 8 ("frequent" = 20 times a day).
I'm actually seeing Alternate!Doctor instead of Awesome!Doctor because Awesome!Doctor is booked into next week, which is probably good, because Alternate!Doctor is also pretty awesome and has a fantastic track record with my mom of being willing to prescribe short-term meds for anxiety. (While I love Awesome!Doctor, he's reluctant to prescribe anxiety meds or sleep meds.)
OMG, if Tep became an editor for Ellora's Cave, it would be like the rainbow sprinkles on the not-vanilla cake. HAHAHAHA
Maybe my upcoming free time will allow me to write a good version of 50 Shades. (But if you write what you know, my book would end up being Geeks With Rope! or Flogged By A Dork.)
Maybe my upcoming free time will allow me to write a good version of 50 Shades. (But if you write what you know, my book would end up being Geeks With Rope! or Flogged By A Dork.)
The actor who plays the male lead in the fandom I am currently writing smut-fic for has said he's never read the 50 Shades stuff but he would like to be cast as Christian Grey in the movies. I want to tell him, "You wanna be in smut based on smutty, name-changed former fanfic? Man, I've written
smut for you. Be in my smut, I'll change the names from your current character and everything. Shoot, let's see if we can get your female costar to sign on to play opposite you in this, too."
But you know, if I wrote that in a letter and sent it to him, I don't think I'd get a positive response.
Also, Teppy, I hope Alternate!Doc gives you something good for the IBS and for the anxiety.
I suspect if I can dial the baseline anxiety down to a 2 or 3, maybe the horrific gastrointestinal issues will knock it off. We'll see.
he would like to be cast as Christian Grey in the movies
A guy I dated in college went by Christian Grey for about a year. I can't possibly read 50 Shades now; I'd laugh.
I am THE WORST at any kind of change.
Steph, my sister from another mister! And also another missus.
I am going through some of the same anxiety because I've been at the same company for 7 years, and I've never seen anyone with something like that on their CV in this industry so I feel like I must be Doing It Wrong. I haven't had a real inclination to look for another job, but it's looking like we might be bought out this year, so I'm afraid. On the upside, our stock is through the fucking roof, but I need to find some sort of financial planner person here to figure out how to most strategically turn it into the most money.
July has once again proven to not be a good month for the people I know in their 90s. A dear friend of the family passed away last night. It was not unexpected, but it's always sudden.
I am going through some of the same anxiety because I've been at the same company for 7 years, and I've never seen anyone with something like that on their CV in this industry so I feel like I must be Doing It Wrong. I haven't had a real inclination to look for another job, but it's looking like we might be bought out this year, so I'm afraid.
I feel like you and I should be able to turn our mad skillz into a viable business. Which would immediately get sidetracked by pop culture and anxiety.
I don't know if yoga may be a good routine for you but this may be something for you to do along with getting your meds evened out.
Ha! My boss told me maybe 10 minutes ago that I need to do yoga. I think I'm warping the fabric of space-time with my anxiety.