I think Internet scout is good. you might need to give him suggestions of places open 8-6 and anything open after hours (in case he may need it). Does he need something fedex'd to him right away (or 2-3 day delivery)?
There are checklists on the Internet for people who have to deal with sudden deaths and/or major medical crises. This might help him remain focused and give him something to do (which is my personality).
In the short term, he may need to deal with his father medical insurer, especially where he needs to go when he is back in CA. If his mother will be buried, I suppose funeral directors in CA can handle those details. If she won't be (cremated instead), you might just cremate in AR and then have a ceremony in CA.
You might also see if there are hotels near the hospital. I know he will be sleeping near his father, but he might want the option of being in a hotel room as well.
I'm sorry about your friend's MiL, Erin. Maybe something from Edible Arrangements? Amyth, I and a couple of others sent one of those to our landlady after she'd been in a car accident. She and her husband said everything was very fresh and delicious. (Of course, they were thanking us for a nice gesture, and probably wouldn't have said it was mediocre. Anyway--fruit, delivered.) [link]
Calli has the right idea, I'm sure there are delivery places around there who could deliver.
Oh, erin, how awful. I'm glad you can do what you can.
Can you send him burritos? Under the circumstances I'm sure a local place would be happy to let you pay over the phone by credit card even they don't usually. They might even arrange for a delivery even if they don't usually.
Heh. In the pre-inernet dark ages when I was in college my Mom made arrangements with the florist in town to bring me food along with flowers. They were tickled to do it and it wasn't even a crisis.
I confirmed that they will be there till at least Wed (boo, full shoulder replacement surgery, apparently. In my internal event-reconstructive narrative his injuries are a result of trying to lift the truck off her.) Sadly edible arragements won't deliver anywhere in that time frame (pick up only! jerks.) but i did find a local place that will deliver a nice basket of fruit/cheese/crackers/sausage on Monday so that is nice. I've been txting with the son/husband and he has indeed not yet slept but at least got himself a steak dinner last night. Sounds like the group of parental friends are being super supportive (hopefully not cloying or claustophobia-inducing) and taking care of the two adult kids as well as their recovering dad.
And thanks for the rec of checklists, that's a really good idea. None of them are super organized so it's guaranteed to be a tear-sodden mess. My friend is super good at organization/planning...tho she's still in PDX with the kids till it's funeral time.
You're a good friend, Erin.
Oh I am so sorry, Erin. I've met them haven't I? Very sad. Lovely family.
I agree, send food. Remind him to shower and take a walk even if he won't go and try and sleep. Flowers are pretty but there are far more useful things and they won't wilt or make you sneeze.
When my Dad first fell and we were trying to find a specific diagnosis, I ate because my sister brought Jamba Juice oatmeal and a spoon or left food at the house for Mom and I to heat or my uncle made a huge salad. Also P texted me to ask if I'd eaten a lot because she was the one person I let do that. I just had to reply. Could be one word. And I never had to say how I was doing. Just be reminded that it would be good if I'd eaten once or twice that day and either taken a short walk or tried to sleep.
You are a really good friend.
Erin, that is.. wow. Not sure what to say. And you are a great friend in need. Being a 911 operator, can you reach out to your compadres in the other city, and ask for recommendations/help? Locals always know the best places.