Also: holy crap, today is 3 months to the wedding! I need to get off my ass and finish all the little fiddly bits of planning. If it were a few little fiddly bits, it wouldn't be a big deal, but I have a list about as long as my arm of little fiddly bits: take dress to tailor, buy shoes, order invitations (THIS WEEKEND), send invitations, buy/make table decorations, make playlists, buy wedding bands, get marriage license, make practice bouquet to determine if I really should be making mine, and, oh, write the ceremony and vows, among other things I know I've forgotten.
We picked the venue, photographer, cake, dress, and officiant so quickly that then we kind of stopped doing anything. So time to get my ass back in gear. Prepare for silly posts about the travails of making one's bouquet, etc.
Steph, also remember that any wedding photographer worth the price of admission will be retouching those photos. Most of ours were candids and not posed, and I was pleased with them.
Exactly. Wedding photographers are going to work very hard at getting the absolute most flattering pictures of both of you as possible. Which means in some shots, Tim will need to bare his chest and abs. :-)
Steph, also remember that any wedding photographer worth the price of admission will be retouching those photos. Most of ours were candids and not posed, and I was pleased with them.
Oh, yeah. Our photographer asked if there were specific things we really didn't like (hello, my teeth) that she should try to avoid shooting or touch up afterward. I also specifically asked about her experience shooting plus-sized brides, because sometimes photographers don't even think about the angle they're shooting from, and that isn't kind to anyone of any size. I feel really good about her. (She also got married in the past year, and told me where the candle outlet is for table decorations, so yay!)
Which means in some shots, Tim will need to bare his chest and abs.
Hee! I should have him do this, at least once. But maybe in our room, not in front of the guests.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
javachik, I get what you are saying about some people being natually photogenic. (And anyone who would walk out of a date with you is an idiot and not deserving of your attention).
I wish I knew what the disconnect was in my mind over photography. I'll see pictures of me and be suprised that I'm wearing glasses (have worn since I was 18, duh) or that my hair is short/curly/whatever. I don't know what my mental image of myself is, but I have yet to see a picture that matches that mental image.
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Oh, I meant I would TOTALLY take a picture! But his family might not appreciate the gesture, so we'll save that for later.
N, you are beautiful inside and out, and he was an idiot for walking out.
Tep, you are a gorgeous woman and you will make an even more gorgeous bride. The happiness in your face will outshine any perceived flaws.
There's nothing like a guy meeting up with me and saying "you look nothing like your pictures" (that were literally taken the week before) and basically walking out on the date
Wow, what an asshole!! I mean, sure, I worry occasionally that I've only put my most flattering pictures up on dating sites--it's hard, because you want to look good, but you also don't want people to be like "Um, wow, that is the most flattering picture of you EVER...and you don't normally look like that" (I've had both experiences--where the person had a picture that in person I was like "Hmm, maybe from JUST the right angle, but...", and where I was like "Dude, you are SO much hotter than those pictures!" But that's not you having bad or good pictures, that's him being an asshole.
I, too, am startled by the double chin. And just went looking at myself sideways in the mirror to try to figure out if I need to suck it in while dancing, or what. :) I'm still hoping that he took some pictures from the Saturday night dance where I had an awesome swirly skirt, and that those look better. I hope.
The other thing I try to remember is the whole "too much makeup in person looks good on camera". Which is weird. Whenever I try to put on more makeup than usual, I feel like I look ridiculous, and less good than I did when I started! But then I see bloggers and stuff, and myself in photos, and go "Huh, yeah, more makeup looks good on them/in that photo". Strange stuff!!
But at the same time, I'm looking at some diet meal options. Because working out with a trainer has got me rock-hard quads, but my belly is still like unto a bowl full of jelly, because of how many cookies I eat!
OMG, He TOTALLY needs to do a Fabio pose with you!
Also, what Maria said.
I'm photogenic under a certain weight. At the moment, I am not photogenic.