ORLY?! Pull her aside after visitors leave: "I didn't want to talk to you in front of visitors, because I'm a professional. If you have a problem with me, then come and talk to me about it. Because that is what adult professionals do. But do not make the egregious assumption that I (A) cannot hear you and that (B) I will not address your nonprofessional behavior."
You may add "So shut your fucking cakehole, bitca" at your discretion.
She's a nightmare and even though she does not report directly to my main boss anymore they have a weird close relationship - she loves to run and tell on people.
FWIW, I think the Aquarium is worth it. Maybe take a taxi to make getting Out a little easier to bear?
I decided to slounge this morning and go to the aquarium in the afternoon, since I will need to be out of the hotel then anyway.
Relatedly, can anyone send me shrift's cell phone number or even just tell me the area code? I have two numbers for her and I am not sure which to use.
I pulled out of my garage at 7:15 this morning, and there was a terrified black dog running around the townhouse complex. It was 35 degrees and raining. About twenty minutes later, I coaxed him into the car, and he's currently conked out on my carpet.
I...guess I am working from home today.
she loves to run and tell on people.
Sure, that's professional.
Aw, Dana! You're a good person.
He was scared, cowering, and shivering. I couldn't leave him out. Now that he's inside, he's kind of a giant goofball. He must belong to someone because he knows how to sit and shake. Hopefully I can find his owners soon.
Hand to God, she used to keep a list for him of who arrived late and who left early.