Happy birthday Jessica!
Happy anniversary, teacups!
I am trying to figure out if I want to be ambitious and go to the Aquarium, or slothful and spend my morning lazing in the hotel room. So far sloth is winning, though I would like to see the aquarium.
Happy Birthday, Jessica!
Happy Anniversary teacups!
Happy birthday, Jessica!!!
Happy anniversary, Teacups!
FWIW, I think the Aquarium is worth it. Maybe take a taxi to make getting Out a little easier to bear?
Grown-Up Dog of the Day - they say he is a GSD cross. . .
Hey annoying co-worker is being pasive aggressively insulting. calling me "her" to visitors while sitting not 10 feet away from me, and insinuating that I am either not doing my job or doing it poorly. REALLY WAS NOT LOOKING FOR DRAMA THIS MORNING, BITCH.
ORLY?! Pull her aside after visitors leave: "I didn't want to talk to you in front of visitors, because I'm a professional. If you have a problem with me, then come and talk to me about it. Because that is what adult professionals do. But do not make the egregious assumption that I (A) cannot hear you and that (B) I will not address your nonprofessional behavior."
You may add "So shut your fucking cakehole, bitca" at your discretion.
She's a nightmare and even though she does not report directly to my main boss anymore they have a weird close relationship - she loves to run and tell on people.