Flea, no you turn tail and run because that's an awful thing to do and you can't face yourself and you're a cowardly little shit, OR APPARENTLY YOU WAVE AND COME BACK TO WORK THE NEXT DAY. Whichever. They're both totally plausible.
I'm not sure how you guys are looking at those three guys and making all the wrong decisions. I mean, I know Chris Hemsworth can do all this sort of bullshit: [link] but we're talking a)
grown into full manhood, and b) [link] . Good lord, people. Chuck the blond, and do whatever you can get away with with the other two.
You know, I still believe that Tom Hardy is a heartbeat away from a public embarrassing meltdown, also I don't think my muscles would work if we were in the same room, so I'm going to
chuck Tom Hardy.
I am going to proceed to drown my sorrows in screwing the daylights out of Idris Elba, and then waking up most mornings next to Papa Winchester Jeffrey Dean ! (he's taking my surname).
I still believe that Tom Hardy is a heartbeat away from a public embarrassing meltdown
maybe after I finish with those luscious lips.
and then waking up most mornings next to Papa Winchester Jeffrey Dean ! (he's taking my surname).
You know he has dogs, right? Maybe it would be best if I just held on to him for you.
There's going to be an interview, and he's going to go nuclear, so you better have gotten what you need and back out again.
He has me on tenterhooks, the motherfucker. I mean, when he's being Tom Hardy. When he's acting apparently I just cry, and I'd hate to base either a marriage or a one night stand on that sort of dysfunction.
You know he has dogs, right?
I don't see anything wrong with having dogs.
I'm just not sharing my house with them. We'll come to an amicable agreement fuelled by blackmail of one sort or another.
I would put money on JDM sleeping with his dog. For some people, that's a deal-breaker.
Oh, you don't mean like that.
It's my fantasy: he takes my made up surname,and he stops French kissing the pets. That's just how it's gotta be.
Okay, making muffins has kind of become a compulsion. Well, not as big of one as eating them, but still.