I managed to get my hair cut and lunch bought and back home in under an hour. Which means I can totally not look at my work computer for the next fifteen minutes. Woo hoo!
Also, Annalee has spoken curtly to me--apparently she's the one who changed the article title from "confirm" to "claim", but I think she thinks she's defending the author--no, when I thought he did it himself in response to commenters he looked better. Telling me he agreed with his boss's call is a big load of not-surprising lack of agency and having a freaking clue.
OMG, Chris Hemsworth gives me the feelings SO BAD.
And I just found my Soc Sec card. Right where it was supposed to be, where I looked for it one last time this morning before going to get another one. Which is also where I keep my passport, which I brought with me in case a DL was not enough ID (it was). Put back the passport and there's the SS card. Oh, me, how did you miss that?
OMG, Chris Hemsworth gives me the feelings SO BAD.
I KNOW, RIGHT?! He's so, so not my usual type. But good lord, he's just ridiculously handsome.
Barely my type at all! It's so weird.
C Matt Bomer--too young looking
F Chris Hemsworth
M Joshua Jackson--beard with some grey in it and he's letting it be seen. Nummy.
my supervisor took me aside and told me that I should accept a party gracefully, because depriving my coworkers of cake and an hour or two away from their desks was just selfish of me.
Sparky, this hit a nerve for me because I flat out rejected the idea of a party. I did not want one and would not participate in one. I think parties are wonderful and may leave people with wonderful memories and feelings, but if someone doesn't want to have one, I'm not sure that is a selfish thing necessarily. Must we demand everything be a public/semi-public event. Sometimes it is nice to just be and maintain the relationships you choose.
In today's adrenaline rush news, Dillo and I nearly got hit by someone coming out of the school driveway (like, nearly enough that the bumper was against my legs and my hands were on the hood while I was screaming.) And the driver waved and drove off. And Dillo thinks it was the PreK teacher. WTF? Please tell me if you tapped a woman and a 6 year old with your car you would at least stop and apologize.
OMG. of course I would. that's terrible.