That's rough, brenda. Get through it.
SSA was unexpectedly quick and painless! Just getting a replacement card, but I can remember taking all day to do that.
I decided to dress professionally today since I now have a professional wardrobe, and it seems to be making me more productive. I wonder how long that will last.
Sometimes I think it's because journalism, at least as it's practiced most often currently, and science have such different time frames and goals.
The 24-hour-news cycle demands entertaining and provocative little knowledge nuggets, especially anything about men vs. women, a minor difference in the brain is always breathlessly reported as "Are men naturally smarter?" or "are women naturally more gifted at picking crap off the bedroom floor?"(The answers are usually yes, until next week's "groundbreaking" something or other proving the opposite.)
-t - since I see you here, I wanted to thank you again for the TJ goodies. The dark chocolate mints were so yummy! and the caramel/sea salt things! I'm doling out the others to myself in smaller amounts.
Do you have any TJ cookies left, Suzi?
Yes. They won't help in this situation, unfortunately. May need to go for mass amounts of booze. But I'm trying to finish work first.
Glad they are satisfying, Stephanie!
tries to pour fernet through the intertubes
FYI Sami on Days looks the same even after 20 years.
I managed to get my hair cut and lunch bought and back home in under an hour. Which means I can totally not look at my work computer for the next fifteen minutes. Woo hoo!
Also, Annalee has spoken curtly to me--apparently she's the one who changed the article title from "confirm" to "claim", but I think she thinks she's defending the author--no, when I thought he did it himself in response to commenters he looked better. Telling me he agreed with his boss's call is a big load of not-surprising lack of agency and having a freaking clue.