The number of writers who understand risk and what constitutes an effective study appears to be -1. It's annoying and possibly life-threatening in articles about cancer.
I always felt uneasy with enforced gifts to people further down the hierarchy. My feeling was that if the supervisor wants to give a Christmas bonus to the cleaning staff, he should just give a damn bonus. In several places, we gave cookies or presents to other departments we worked with. These were often departments that had just disappeared with the layouts or put another job on the press when ours was scheduled. There was a temptation to give poison cookies. Also, the men in the department always seemed to be exempt from baking. It one point, the women in the offered the men instructions for buying cookies and recommended they get a can of sweetened condensed milk and follow the magic cookies recipe on the pack. There may have been someone yelling, "You can't measure and dump ingredients?" It may have been me.
The closest to a random act of kindness recently was helping a woman in the grocery store figure out what the "pumpkin puree" in her recipe was.
We will see you after business has closed.
Just had my first 1:1 in forever, and apparently the official word from the boss is: fewer details. And his side of the bargain is: fewer agitated demands for details. My fingers are crossed that this works out--it makes sense. My boss that got fired wasn't
by this guy. This guy was fired boss's boss. We're missing a person between my manager and my boss, and there's no way he can handle as much as he asks for and we need to stop throwing it at him.
Kind of a shame, because my auto-debrief-on-encounter really had my projects going more smoothly for a while--he wasn't surprised, and everything was calm.
But we do also have explicit permission from our manager to escalate beyond her if she's not giving us what we feel we need, so that's good, at least on paper.
We have to do year end self-evals by the end of the week, which is Thursday morning for me. Yikes! But they sent out the recognition award summary yesterday, and I got two. I have no idea for what, though, because no one told my manager, and it wasn't her. I
that info before I send in my self-eval. Belying the "self" part of that.
We will see you after business has closed.
I can't do anything! I need the stuff from the other people! wah wah wah.
I think Jesse should stay on the internet and amuse me! Because I really should get off the internet and grade papers.
I don't recall any recent random acts of kindness. I haven't been out amongst the humans much.
I am right now though. At the Soc Sec office to get a replacement card. Whee?
I am getting off the internet to have my hair shorn in my lunch break.
Maybe my award will be explained by the time I return, or more likely I will have amassed replies from commenters defending that guy's reporting. IO9 was never great with science. Now they're indefensibly laughable. That's not hard to understand, is it?
I can't even be amusing, because all I can think is, "fuuuuuuuucccckkkkk."
Oh man, here goes. Awful feeling, even if what I'm doing is totally justified and necessary.
That's rough, brenda. Get through it.
SSA was unexpectedly quick and painless! Just getting a replacement card, but I can remember taking all day to do that.
I decided to dress professionally today since I now have a professional wardrobe, and it seems to be making me more productive. I wonder how long that will last.