I remember listening to a biology lecture series years ago which talked about how epigenetic information ripples down through generations (and how trying to distinguish between genetic and environmental causes to explain biological characteristics is in almost all cases a false dichotomy to begin with).
This is akin to what I had explained to me, but that was a few years ago, and epigenetics seems to move faster than this layman can keep track of. However, if that author said it, it's probably wrong.
Denton has said that one of the Gawker employees (Neetzan something) is employed to write the inflammatory click bait articles, and that way everyone else can go about their more detailed (yet still muckraking, so whatevs) way. I suspect that the author of that article is similar--he's cheap, because they didn't hold out for someone who knows what difference a number being a percentage makes, or who has the patience to read past the first three google hits. They could have gotten away with merely a critical thinker with a basic grounding in, oh, MATH and done better than this evo-psych non-citing bullshitter.
I gave a dollar to a panhandler at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago. I don't normally give anything to them, but it was early in the morning, I had the dollar in my pocket, and for once I got a twinge of "Give it to him" instead of the usual "Oh, gosh, there's another one." I don't know what he did with it, maybe it went to booze and cigarettes, but if it made his life a little easier, I'm good with it.
I bought an Air Force guy dinner a few days back. Oh, and I gave my maintenance guy some cookies.
Today sucks eggs. Rotten stinky eggs.
Do you have any TJ cookies left, Suzi? Would they help?
eta: and I am sorry about the sucky day, of course.
Wow, we have a new co-worker and she seems totally cool and competent! And she likes to go drink beer.
I'm astonished, frankly.
Fuucccckkkkkk. I have a thing due by "COB." There's a huge section I need from someone else. A third person is also waiting on it to finish another large section. When has it been promised to us? 4pm. That is not enough time!!
I brought brownies to work today.
Whoever wrote this headline is a dick. [link] The article itself is lovely.
The number of writers who understand risk and what constitutes an effective study appears to be -1. It's annoying and possibly life-threatening in articles about cancer.
I always felt uneasy with enforced gifts to people further down the hierarchy. My feeling was that if the supervisor wants to give a Christmas bonus to the cleaning staff, he should just give a damn bonus. In several places, we gave cookies or presents to other departments we worked with. These were often departments that had just disappeared with the layouts or put another job on the press when ours was scheduled. There was a temptation to give poison cookies. Also, the men in the department always seemed to be exempt from baking. It one point, the women in the offered the men instructions for buying cookies and recommended they get a can of sweetened condensed milk and follow the magic cookies recipe on the pack. There may have been someone yelling, "You can't measure and dump ingredients?" It may have been me.
The closest to a random act of kindness recently was helping a woman in the grocery store figure out what the "pumpkin puree" in her recipe was.