I currently have Red Ranger Came Calling for the youngest (unless I hear that they still have one I gave to one of the older kids years ago), a kids version of Swan Lake and some Dahl for the 7 yr old (birthday and Christmas) and the first Alex Rider for the 13 yr old (also need something for birthday).
I'm picking up Wrinkle so I can read it and Pratchett's Wintersmith to save for later.
Honestly, my favorite L'Engle is one not written for kids-
Other Side of the Sun
It is....quite fucked up and disturbing and gothic and whoa.
Honestly, my favorite L'Engle is one not written for kids- Other Side of the Sun It is....quite fucked up and disturbing and gothic and whoa.
That's my favorite, too! And it really IS fucked up and disturbing.
Good luck dealing, Suzi!!
I also wanted to be a boxcar child!
We are getting these for Owen:
His third grade teacher swears by them.
Tons of birthday wishes, virtual Scotch, and a better and gentler year ahead to you, Suela, a year worthy of your awesomeness and of the year you've been enduring (and an appreciative job, to boot).
Lots of dealing~ma to you, Suzi.
I've never read any of L'Engle's works for grown-ups. Clearly this needs to be remedied.
I'm trying to remember what other of her adult stuff I read (something with a classical pianist protagonist?) but OSOtS eclipses (NPI) them all. It was so HEAVY.
Sorta like reading most of Steinbeck, but the one that stuck with me was
To a God Unknown
one of his lesser mentioned works, but one that grabbed me the way the classics didn't. Cause for all the Steinbeck had some disturbing stuff, that one had so much more spirituality and confusion and ooph.
I love the L'Engle book about the dictator in Venezuela and Meg and Charles change history through kything. (I should look up the title, I guess.) I also loved all the Austin stories. Oh, and Many Waters. Oh, and House Like a Lotus. I should re read her stories.
A Swiftly Tilting Planet.
I love that you can't remember the book name, but you remember the term "kything."
Ooh, maybe after I'm done with my current Tolkien run I'll go on a L'Engle binge.
I have no brandy in the house. Do we think rum or bourbon for the eggnog loaf cake glaze?