I get disproportionately annoyed when people ask me for things I've already sent them. Text messages and phone calls looking for documents that I sent out half an hour to hours ago...is the assumption that I'm slow? Why not check and see if you have it already? Is there really no harm done by making that mistake? Repeatedly?
It is so fucking cold in the building I can't think. I'm going to my car to grab a sweatshirt before the 12:30 meeting, dress code be damned.
Jesse, my niece taught us some belly dance when I was on va action, and me being bad at it did not make it less fun.
Note for headache log: Someone dropped some pork and beans on my desk and I had, like, 1/3 of a helping because it was way too sweet, and one small piece of white bread and my head hurts worse an hour later.
Where the fuck are my blueberries?
Refined white sugar and flour?
I'm thinking nitrates or refined sugars are likely culprits. The idea that I can actually tie a headache to any stimuli, though, isn't something that's come up recently. I avoid continued exposure to my known triggers (which include the nitrates) and everything is the same muted roar. If I managed to lower the background noise enough to start picking that up again with even smaller portions, then yay lower background noise!
Whatever the fucking reason I'm going to go have a lie down in my car. I feel sick.
We leave for Europe a week from tomorrow. Of course this is awesome, but I'm starting to panic.
Hil, and anyone else to whom I might have hit, I'm not trying to cast aspersions on what anyone's earning. I realise that probably came off all sorts of presumptuous.
I remember reading an article explaining why people shouldn't go to art school (unless it's an atelier, which is something I know jack about). They were pointing out that Rhode Island School of Design costs more for a BA than Harvard Law costs for a law degree, and your expected ROI is nowhere comparable. I'd never thought of jobs as direct returns on degree investment before, what with the wide spread of degrees and the number of English majors I hung out with.
I've been working a lot of under-informed and approximate math since I read that.
It seems like the flaw in their analysis might be that people going to art school wouldn't necessarily do well if they opted for law school instead. I suspect I wouldn't be making much more as a not-particularly-suited legal aid/clerk than I am in my current job, and I'd probably be a lot less fulfilled.