To be less roundabout, the problem with Florida Law is that essentially makes racism a legitimate reason to legally kill someone.
This is the best/worst summation I've seen yet of the whole fucked up thing.
The most interesting/depressing thing I've seen online in response to the verdict is a pattern of Person A writes a heartfelt "People should not shoot and kill teenagers / racism, it's bad" post and inevitably Person B will chime in in the comments with an outraged "DON'T YOU KNOW HE WAS ACQUITTED ALSO I AM NOT RACIST!!?!?!!" As if the fact that Zimmerman was found not guilty means that he didn't do anything. No, the man is still a killer. The jury determined that he is not legally a murderer, but the fact that he shot and killed a fucking teenager was never in question!
Jessica, you forgot the random interjections of ZIMMERMAN ISN'T WHITE!!1! Because that, you know, automatically trumps and disproves everything Person A has ever said on the subject.
Jessica, you forgot the random interjections of ZIMMERMAN ISN'T WHITE!!1! Because that, you know, automatically trumps and disproves everything Person A has ever said on the subject.
IME, the "Zimmerman isn't white" comments usually come from Person C or D, a little further down in the thread. They're not saying they agree with the verdict, you see, they just want to make sure everyone understands how this can't possibly be about race because nobody involved was white.
I've seen a few Person B's jump straight there without waiting for C or D.
I don't know what letter to apply to the lovely persons who, whenever a POC expresses a bitter but resigned lack of surprise at the verdict and talks about how they discuss it with their own teenagers, jump in to scold them for brainwashing their children with a victim mentality, but I sure wish to God they'd shut up and DIAF.
So I stayed home this morning to have my water heater replaced. What was exciting is that a guy came, brought the new tank, drained the old tank, and then two lady plumbers came and did the installation. Also, they replaced my leaky kitchen taps. Yay, lady plumbers!
Now, there's been a gas leak near work and they've shut down the power in the area as a precaution. So now I am sitting here waiting to hear that the power is back on.
I have never met a woman plumber in my life.
Me, either. But yay!
I'm not sure I could be a plumber. Too many gross sewer-ish problems to deal with.
We're getting a new fridge, which is awesome, but the doors open the wrong way. They seemed befuddled when I said I'd like them switched first.
It's expected to be very humid around here the next few days. News channels are giving advice on how to deal with it. Predicted humidity: 57%. Which is, truthfully, dreadful for around here. Yay, remnants of tropical storms.
I have this free service awayfind (which is supposed to help busy people plow through their email). I tested the pro version for a month, but am not sure if I will use it or now.
It periodically sends me email messages about my email use (funny) and yesterday it sent me an email: you respond to 1% of the email messages you receive. So apparently I am getting spammed from the universe. 1%?