Sexual assault isn't violence, apparently
The police officer assault was sexual? This is where my blinders become visible to everyone...
Megan played a match at UC Irvine today (at 7) and since they were flying out of a private airfield right after the match we didn't make an effort to see each other. SoCal is frustrating like that. And now she's on her way to Sacramento or something?
I had a strange guy walk two feet to my right in the parking structure and then adjust to be walking two feet away from me on my left. Dude, it's late, we're alone, we've never me, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY REACTION ZONE. Do you not have female friends? Then I realised--I've never told a guy to not do that to some woman he doesn't know. Someone is telling them, though, right?
And all I could think of is SNAG who would make that about Trayvon somehow. So I didn't say it where I might have said it two years ago.
Someone is telling them, though, right?
I have discussed this with Emmett.
Nyet. The sexual assault times were different. [link] There is probably a better link and I didn't reread this one to be sure it was totally topical.
Dude, it's late, we're alone, we've never me, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY REACTION ZONE. Do you not have female friends? Then I realised--I've never told a guy to not do that to some woman he doesn't know. Someone is telling them, though, right?
I haven't told a lot of guys this. But that is not smart because someone really ought to be telling them. And maybe trying to make the world different so it wasn't even a thing, but that's a longer game plan. A good one, but much longer term.
I've provoked a campus security incident on account of a security guy being creeptastic and the antithesis of what campus security should be. Sure, approach a lone female in an underground, dark garage and ask her 'is this your earring?' Cue Criminal Minds theme. I told him to back off BEING CREEPY and then contacted the security office. It's pathetic.
Granted, they were really responsive to my critique, but JEEZUSFUCKINGCHRIST, I had to school JHU CAMPUS SECURITY?!! This had never come across their radar before? REALLY? IDEK.
Sarameg, your story just makes me think how sometimes people who are creepy and evil and get off on power and abusing it try to become cops and if they fail become security guards. Ahem.
Sooooo stressyyyyyyyy
My insomnia was gone for weeks. It was bliss. Now between the heat and some serious anxiety it's baaaa aaaaaaaaaack.
oh trudy.
I think some men are really oblivious about maintaining appropriate personal space. I don't fuck around with shit like that, so I will go into a store I don't need to enter to get some distance if I have to.
On Zimmerman's past, the prosecution can't bring it up out of nowhere, right? That's got to be part of why he didn't testify. (At least, that's my understanding from when I was on a jury -- they didn't tell us anything about the defendant's history.)
To be less roundabout, the problem with Florida Law is that essentially makes racism a legitimate reason to legally kill someone.
This is the best/worst summation I've seen yet of the whole fucked up thing.
The most interesting/depressing thing I've seen online in response to the verdict is a pattern of Person A writes a heartfelt "People should not shoot and kill teenagers / racism, it's bad" post and inevitably Person B will chime in in the comments with an outraged "DON'T YOU KNOW HE WAS ACQUITTED ALSO I AM NOT RACIST!!?!?!!" As if the fact that Zimmerman was found not guilty means that he didn't do anything. No, the man is still a killer. The jury determined that he is not legally a murderer, but the fact that he shot and killed a fucking teenager was never in question!
Jessica, you forgot the random interjections of ZIMMERMAN ISN'T WHITE!!1! Because that, you know, automatically trumps and disproves everything Person A has ever said on the subject.