A friend's status for Tisha Be'av which made me laugh and laugh:
In honor of Tisha Be'av, I will attempt not to hate anybody for 25 hours. Wish me luck.
But really, I came to comment on this:
no one ever thought it necessary to teach me how to not be seen as a threat
I feel like I can't really comment on Trayvon Martin's case because I'm not in the U.S. and racism in my country is different in form and practice (and so much more present and people aren't even fucking trying to hide it or embarrassed by it), but this sentence just stroked me. I'm working a lot on Hollaback and people's right to walk safe in the streets, but I always did it with regarding to sex and gender; race was hardly an issue. Being seen as a threat to a point where it may have violent implications... I don't know. Not to say that it doesn't exist, and surely it's the reality of many in the occupied territories, but in most of the cases I handle the so called threat is almost invisible. Maybe that's why the stories that echo most on American media from Israel about gender issues/culture clash are the ones on which secular woman "dressed immodestly" and gets attacked by ultra-orthodox extremists (and they're really not representing reality as I see it). But my perspective about street harassment and presence in the public sphere just got broaden from object-person axis to object-person-threat. Thank you for that.
She just said that her children are the wrong race to cause riots or social media campaigns if they get attacked, but that's the America they live in. I give up. This person is not worth arguing with.
She just said that her children are the wrong race to cause riots or social media campaigns if they get attacked, but that's the America they live in.
Tell her not to give up - as blonde American girls, there's still a chance they could be kidnapped and then they'll have ALL the media attention!
(Sorry, my mind is in a dark place today. Feel free to tell me to fuck off.)
When white men start getting shot for harrassing women on their neighborhood streets in FL and the women are not found guilty of even manslaughter, then I will give the people who say race is not an issue here.
When the NRA releases a statement saying Trayvon should have had a gun and all young black men who want to freely walk the streets of their neighborhoods and those around them without fear of the George Zimmermans, then I'll listen to people saying it is not a racial incident.
(Sorry, my mind is in a dark place today. Feel free to tell me to fuck off.)
Oh, I was really tempted to respond with something similar.
Hil, tell her if they blatantly falsely accuse a black guy of attacking them they can have the race riots she thinks so fondly of.
God, it's like she gave up without even trying!
When the NRA releases a statement saying Trayvon should have had a gun
I can't even process this. Or deal with the six thousand inappropriate jokes that come to mind.
Sorry, my mind is in a dark place today.
And, at least based on current events/headlines, not without reason.
Did a music thing happen today? My tumblr dash is full of people I don't recognise.
Oh, and Justin Bieber. I would like to be all "no comment" but over 50% of the pictures I see drive me into insta-shallow-rage. How so consistent, douchenozzle?
I am so glad that my Uncle Fuck Nut has been so quiet on the whole Zimmerman case. I'm telling myself it's not just him trying to be socially appropriate--as clearly he has few filters there--and that he actually finds the case too complex for a glib comment.