FINALLY called about a downspout replacement, and this time I have an actual time that they'll come out to make a bid, so it won't get 'lost' again.
Now need to compile garage door places, so I can finally start using my garage. Couple people had names, have to track that down. Will probably end up being where my August mortgage payment goes. (Because of the timing of all of this, I don't have an August payment. Last on old mortgage was this month, first of new is September.)
(Note, this is my attempt to not 'waste' a vacation day. Because I fee like if I'm taking a vacation day, I Ought To Do Something, be it vacationing or accomplishing something needed. As opposed to sitting on my ass & noodling around because it is too damn hot to want to even attempt the Outside.)
I have a whole twitter list full of people talking about tossing hot pockets into the deep fryer.
Now I'm thinking about how good that must taste!
Unhealthy as hell, but probably tasty.
They have then gone on to talk about rolling a pop tart in dough mix and frying those.
I am trying very hard not to respond to my cousin's friend, who is white, who says that the Trayvon Martin case has nothing to do with race, and that her kids know better than to walk around in a neighborhood where they don't live at night in the rain wearing a hoodie. I am nearly positive that I have done that -- put on a sweatshirt, walk to a friend's apartment, start to walk home, it starts raining, there aren't any cabs, so I put up the hood of my sweatshirt and keep walking. And I was taught how to keep an eye out and stay safe myself when I'm walking around in a city at night, but no one ever thought it necessary to teach me how to not be seen as a threat, and if the reason for that isn't obvious, then this woman is living in some kind of fantasy world. (This was in response to a link about how young black men are taught how to appear not-scary. She said she's taught her kids the same things that are mentioned in the link as things that black parents teach their sons.)
(OK, and from looking at this person's page, her kids are both female, blonde, and younger than 14 or so. I now call total bullshit on the idea that she has taught them how to appear non-threatening to strangers. And I responded to her, because apparently my "I will not respond" willpower can last only ten minutes.)
Thanks Dana! I will look at all of those tonight
OK, and from looking at this person's page, her kids are both female, blonde, and younger than 14 or so. I now call total bullshit on the idea that she has taught them how to appear non-threatening to strangers
Being on the same sidewalk as the the epitome of the "protected flower of white society" used to be fatal for the Trayvon Martins of the world NOT THAT LONG AGO & NOT THAT FAR AWAY from where it turned out to be fatal for him to be a black teenager trying to walk in the rain.
They had not unlocked my email by the time I got back to my desk, so I exerted my "I was your favourite conversational co-worker!" card (I was trying to play by rules) and got it unlocked while I was on the phone. Guess I will be back to work.
OK, and from looking at this person's page, her kids are both female, blonde, and younger than 14 or so. I now call total bullshit on the idea that she has taught them how to appear non-threatening to strangers. And I responded to her, because apparently my "I will not respond" willpower can last only ten minutes.
I wonder, if GZ had raped a white teenager instead of murdering a black one, would it still be the fault of the teenager's clothing?
I wonder, if GZ had raped a white teenager instead of murdering a black one, would it still be the fault of the teenager's clothing?
seriously. I have no patience for any of this shit.
he did sexual assault one of his family members for 10 years. This is among his violent acts besides assaulting a police officer.