I have Orphan Black queued up next on Instant Watch On Demand. Just finished catching up on Under the Dome. Defiance looks a little intense, and I have no intention of doing the game, so I think I'm not as up for intense as I used to be. I am having fun on Primeval: New World, though. Zane! And now I feel dumb for stopping WHSE 13 a season or two ago. It sounds like it got better.
Salon was my first online deal, Tabletalk almost immediately, and Agnes Bertiz soon after.
I have pictures, somewhere in the old house, of me in pigtails on the glass bottomed boat at Weekie-Wachie, as well as photographs of the mermaids. I so badly wanted to be one of those mermaids when I grew up, when I was four. From the same trip, I have pictures of both my parents in Hawaiian shirts, with macaws perched two on each arm and one on their heads. Hilarious.
I was iffy on Defiance at first but now that the season's almost over I really like it quite a bit. Never bothered with the game, never felt like I was missing out.
I may give it a look, Jessica. Good to know the game isn't essential.
I still have non-participatory scars from not having the write-on-the-screen kit from Winky Dink. Or Tom Terrific? Whichever.
Calli, those are some of my auto-rewatch movies, too. At no matter what point the channel selector lands on them. Yes, I have the dvds, on which there are no commercials. But this is "live"! Auto-watch!
I am resting after running errands for 3 hours. Turned on "Car Wash" to get inspired for some home organization tasks. I have not seen this movie in ~10 years.
Defiance kind of won me over with one line, which I don't even remember exactly, but it was something like
"I'm sorry, but you aren't consistent with my narrative" as Datak shot Connor Lang.
That made me like the show a lot more, somehow. I also really like Jaime Murray's character.
I really like Defiance and don't feel like not playing the game has been any kind of problem.
Fucking Green Tree Servicing is pissing me off and they don't even hold my mortgage anymore. They probably will again pretty soon, though, so I have that to look forward to. Oh, how I wish my credit union was doing refis when I decided to get one.
Datak is completely fascinating, and his wife (whose name I can never remember) is even better. She's probably my favorite character on the whole show.
OK, shark melon has been achieved for the family BBQ tonight. I just have to figure out how to safely transport it in my parents' van full of moving, banging wheelchair parts.
I have re-installed the upstairs AC -- I needed to make the windowsill "higher" than the lip of the stormwindow, so I acquired a 2x4 cut to inner window-width at Home Despot, which means I can nail-down the plastic extension wings correctly and all that, too, and now the AC doesn't tilt the wrong way so that the water flows out the way it's supposed to....
Home ownership is hard but on a day like this, getting a small thing like AC to work is sheer triumph.