I liked The Lone Ranger when I was a kid (I liked Westerns), and I would have liked to see a "serious" movie of it. But I was done with the concept when they cast a white guy as Tonto and put a dead crow on his head. (Depp is part Native American, but I don't care, and I doubt the actual Native Americans do either, under the circumstances.)
I think I had something else to say, but it's gone.
Our offices close at 2pm for the holiday, until next Monday, and so I'm trying to finish all my work by 2pm. The possibility is receding ever more quickly.
Depp is part Native American
From what I can see he's either part Creek or Cherokee (he's not sure) and he was accepted into one of the tribes...by a relative of someone working on the film? Just all this thin-veneer make-nice stuff that completely avoids the point that he could still be a key part of a horribly offensive movie and be 100% Native American anyway.
They gave us cookies on Monday and they're just sitting there, smiling their high glycemic load smiles at me. I hate them. Actually, I don't really like the cookies either--mint chocolate chip cookies are not my favourite--but with a good cup of tea many ills are overcome.
A coworker is being introduced to
The Big Bang Theory
next door.
Basically? Nothing is getting done today.
Quick! Rescue them with Community! (Yes, it's still a zero sum game for me--can't explain why...)
OK, so I've sent emails to two contractors for bids for repairs. And I walked the dogs (not far). And I clipped the dog's nails. And I made an appointment for donating blood on Friday. Now I need to call the insurance company again. And file my unemployment paperwork, bah.
I'm also still kind of queasy from yesterday, which is just ridiculous. I got off the stupid bus 5:30 yesterday afternoon! Why am I still bothered?
ita !, I would totally send you some of the low-glycemic-load oatmeal cookies in my freezer to you, through the intertubes.
I caught 2 episodes of "Frasier" while I was coming down from my SYTYCD rage last night. That sitcom is consistently funny, isn't it? I found the jokes a bit predictable in the late run, but it still makes me laugh even after all these years.
The thing about Johnny Depp is he just guesses he might kinda distantly have a Cherokee ancestor. Probably. Maybe.
I watch neither, so I'm of no use.
My 6'8" bald coworker is in tears and cannot form coherent sentences right now.
I would totally send you some of the low-glycemic-load oatmeal cookies in my freezer to you
I am going to spend part of today finding recipes, so I will soon be empowered!
Today's Good Morning Kitten includes a video of the kittens progressing from v. early baby stage to the later active craxy stage and these people had a baby bunny AND a litter of kittens at the same time.