Your poor dad, Jessica. Lawn mowing is dangerous! (seriously I know more than one person who has lost a limb to a mower).
So....what's new with you guys?
Still recovering from my college reunion/birthday trip. Took two days of travel to get home because of delayed flights/missed connections. But the trip itself was so incredibly good. I hadn't been back to Kenyon in 26 years and it was just gorgeous. And spent lots of quality time with lots of my closest friends.
And even more was the rush of making new friendships, which was my crack of choice in college. I forgot how much I get off on building new friendships. It's so hard to make that happen after you're older and more settled, or dealing with parenthood.
Office is hella stressful right now. I couldn't have transferred teams at a better time, except I still have the knowledge, so I'm called in to help. But I do escape most of the pressure, and it feels like the help isn't taken for granted (they are thanking everyone--it's just clear this is my responsibility, but not my job, if that makes sense).
I am spending too much night time thinking about work though--I do need to consciously clear my mind.
And I also need to pay attention to the fact that I'm back on Ambien, and that I need to cut myself off from communication after I take the night's dose. Dear lord.
I just scheduled a 'routine' colonoscopy for next month. The only part I'm worried about is drinking the solution, which given my supertaster status could lead to gagging and/or vomiting all over the nurse's shoes. The rest of it would qualify as Unpleasant, for sure, but that aspect will be hands-down the worst, I fear.
Today is going to be interesting. I dropped CJ off early this morning at the Sheriff's office. The team is assisting in an evidence search. He has an initial orthodontic appointment at 1pm but I'll likely have to reschedule that. Then I have my podiatrist appointment.
Between now and then I'm trying to update my MS Project schedule from hell based on some cryptic notes from the client and my PM isn't consistently available to help me translate the notes. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
So glad that Jesse's father is back. So sorry to hear about Jessica's father's injury.
Yeah, that stuff tastes nasty even to a subtaster like me. Maybe kill your tastebuds with Listerine or something before?
Posting really does fix things - I now have a paycheck and wheels are in motion to make the next one correct. Hooray!
Jesse, very glad to hear your dad is OK (apart from the dehydration/exhaustion). Get some rest!
Theo, that solution is awful. I wish you the best. All I can recommend from personal experience is to have an empty stomach when you begin. It will make things a bit easier.
You may prefer the version without flavor as the flavors are chemical weapons.
Posting really does fix things
Let's give it a shot:
I need a job and I am OVER this whole humidity deal.
Plus Ohio's elected officials need to die in all the fires.
Theo - My aunt took something for her colonoscopy that was not the nasty drink. I think it is harder on the liver or something, but you might look into it.
I need to schedule teeth cleanings and mac's 12 year old physical for jr. high shots. I also need to get blood drawn (I am a month late) for my annual. I keep forgetting to fast.