The real news is that it's supposed to be 85 here every day (yesterday hit 87!!!).
I promised Brendon a trip to New Orleans to celebrate his 21st. He is a big jazz fan and as a responsible mom I had to let him know that the jazz is best appreciated with cocktail in hand in a proper jazz club. So I expect that will happen this fall.
YAY! Can we all go out to dinner or something? Or to the clubs on Frenchmen?
We just met a set of neighbors. I have not been pressured to drink that much since college.
Dana, where did you go to college? I am curious. Was it in LA/New Orleans?
Absolutely, Nora. No set plan yet, but getting together will be a must.
I spent a fair amount of time this evening sitting on a hammock chair on a porch, and it was BLISSFUL. I really wish I had a porch. Enough to live in my parents' house? (Eventually.) Maybe.
Would one of those short chrome rolling carts work in your space?
I think we're going to look for a cart with a wood top that folds out so we have some actual counter space for cooking, but yeah, we need to look into some storage stuff. Thanks!
Tomorrow will be my third day off in the month of June. Woohoo! I need to clean and do laundry, but I suspect I'll mostly want to sleep.
Speaking of Charlie being cute, this afternoon after I let him out to pee, Bubba was waiting for us in the garage, and Charlie ran over to him and licked his head.
Ridiculously cute.
Best friend had a great time seeing Man of Steel this afternoon (I reassured him that it was good enough I didn't mind seeing for a 3rd time), then we had a nice dinner at the steakhouse downstairs, he got a free birthday dessert, and we shot the breeze in my apartment (clean enough for company for once!) until about 10 minutes ago. I think he really, really needed some time for conversation with an adult that he doesn't have to deal with in the workplace or have to arrange managed health care for.
I promised Brendon a trip to New Orleans to celebrate his 21st. He is a big jazz fan and as a responsible mom I had to let him know that the jazz is best appreciated with cocktail in hand in a proper jazz club. So I expect that will happen this fall.
If the first week of August isn't too early, they're having the Satchmo Summerfest in the French Quarter. Though I suppose any time of the year is good for jazz if you just go down to Jackson Square or Preservation Hall.
Gross, I gave Ply a couple of skritchies and suddenly my hands stink like boy cat juices. Dirty boy cat musk! On my hands!
Ewww, dirty Ply!
If the first week of August isn't too early
I'm delaying until the worst of the summer heat has passed. We should have gone in January right after his birthday, but he wasn't in good favor at that time at all.
Gross, I gave Ply a couple of skritchies and suddenly my hands stink like boy cat juices. Dirty boy cat musk! On my hands!
Rubbing alcohol is the best thing I have found for getting that nastiness off completely.
I'll give that a try next time she shows her floozy face.